Difference between reportable and non-reportable judgments

In this web story, we'll unravel the complexities surrounding these judgments and their implications for legal precedent. 

Reportable judgments are the cornerstone of legal precedent, setting new standards and interpretations for future cases.

What are Reportable Judgments?

These judgments carry significant weight and are published in law reports for broader accessibility. 

What are Reportable Judgments?

Non-reportable judgments address routine matters or minor procedural issues without significant legal implications.

What are Non-Reportable Judgments? 

While important for the parties involved, these judgments lack the transformative impact of reportable judgments. 

What are Non-Reportable Judgments? 

So, while reportable judgments shape legal precedent and guide future cases, non-reportable judgments resolve individual disputes.


Where Passion Meets the Legal World