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Gene Patents: Legal Challenges and its Implications

Introduction Genes are the stories of human beings. They are the language of that story too. Genes determine what we are, what we will be,...

Claiming or Transferring Physical Share Certificates After a Family Member’s Death: “Steps to Claim or Transfer Ownership”

Introduction: Many beneficiaries have serious concerns about what to do with physical share certificates when a family member passes away. Handling a deceased family member's...

Legal Implications on Online Intermediaries: Analysis of Mr. P.N. Vignesh v. The Chairman and Members of the Bar Council

Introduction In P.N. Vignesh v. Chairman and Members of the Bar Council, the Madras High Court heard arguments about the alleged infractions of Bar Council...

Living Will, Living Well – How Taking Control Of End Of Life Decisions Can Lead To Greater Peace Of Mind And Family Harmony

Abstract Living-will is a written statement depicting individuals’ directions regarding future medical treatment in situations in which they are no longer able to express informed...

Demystifying Succession and Legal Heir Certificates: Everything You Need to Know

Abstract A succession certificate grants authority to the legal heirs to inherit debts and securities, while a legal heir certificate identifies the rightful heirs of...

Critical Analysis of the Public Examinations (Prevention of Unfair Means) Bill, 2024

Introduction The Bill entitled as "The Public Examinations (Prevention of Unfair Means) Bill, 2024" serves as an important foundational bill for the Indian legislature to...

Navigating Prostitution: Perspectives, Challenges and Societal Responses

Introduction Prostitution, by definition, refers to the occupation of providing sexual services in exchange for monetary compensation. It is widely recognized as one of the...

Uniform Civil Code: Challenges in Drafting and Implementation

Introduction The Uniform Civil Code is a Directive Principle of State Policy under Article 44 of the Indian Constitution.1  Personal laws in India, governing marriage,...

Freedom of Speech in the digital Era

Introduction                                             The realm of free speech and expression in the digital age is facing an unpleasant scenario. It is facing difficulties because of its complexity...

Legal Challenge to the Amendment of Madhya Pradesh Judicial Service Recruitment Rules: A Case Analysis

Background of the Case The Governor of Madhya Pradesh, in consultation with the High Court, vide Office Notification dated June 23, 2023, made certain substantial...

Crossing the Floor: Is Anti-Defection Law Losing its Effectiveness?

“Defectors often cause more difficulty than disinterested disbelievers.”                                                                                                                       - Neal Ash Maxwell Introduction In recent times, we have observed a pattern among MLAs in several states,...

Copyright and AI: Redefining Authorship in the Digital Age

Introduction Navigating copyright in the age of AI is a complex task. Questions surrounding authorship, originality and infringement have become increasingly difficult to answer, as...

Stitching Legal Threads: Navigating the Intersection of Fashion and Law

Introduction Edith Head, an iconic figure in the world of fashion, once said, "You can have anything you want in life if you dress for...

Salini Costruttori S.P.A. and Italstrade S.P.A. v. Kingdom of Morocco: A Case Analysis

Introduction The body of legal guidelines controlling interactions between nations, international organizations, and other players in the global system is known as public international law,...

Securities Legislation and Investor Protection in India

Introduction                Securities market deals with trading of financial instruments in the market between individuals. Securities are the financial instruments in the market which gives ownership...