National Essay Writing Competition by CELAR, NLUJA, Assam in Collaboration with WWF- India: Prizes Worth Rs. 9k; Submit by June 5

The Centre for Environmental Law, Advocacy and Research (CELAR) at the National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam, in collaboration with WWF – India (Assam State Office) is excited to host a National Essay Writing Competition to commemorate World Environment Day 2024.


The National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam (NLUJAA) has been established by the Government of Assam by way of enactment of the National Law School and Judicial Academy, Assam Act, 2009 (Assam Act No. XXV of 2009). The word ‘School’ was replaced by the word ‘University’ by amending the National Law School and Judicial Academy, Assam (Amendment) Act, 2011. 


The Centre for Environmental Law, Advocacy and Research (CELAR), the first of its kind in North-East India, is devoted to strengthening and contributing to the jurisprudence on environmental law, under the auspices of National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam. CELAR endeavours to be a torchbearer of NLUJAA’s mission to translate legal knowledge and skills into an instrument that addresses various environmental concerns of the country and especially the North-Eastern region of India.

The main objectives of CELAR can be elucidated as follows:

  • Providing students with hands-on advocacy experience and direct exposure to the issues to inspire and educate them.
  • Strengthen access to justice by undertaking high-quality multi-disciplinary research.
  • Hold conferences, workshops and seminars on current environmental legal issues to further disseminate and encourage an exchange of ideas.
  • Advocate for reforms in environmental law through scientifically sound legislative proposals.
  • Organize training programmes for civil servants, law enforcement agencies, non-governmental organisations, and media professionals to improve their legal capacity on environmental laws and policy.
  • Publish environmental law publications and bulletins regularly.

About the Competition

The theme for this year’s competition is “Land Restoration, Desertification, and Drought Resilience.” This competition is a unique opportunity to engage with pressing environmental issues, showcase your writing skills, and contribute to meaningful discourse on a national platform.


The registration for this event is free.


  • Winner: INR 4,000 + Publication in LEX TERRA
  • Runners-up: INR 3,000 + Publication in LEX TERRA
  • Second Runners-up: INR 2,000 + Publication in LEX TERRA
  • Online Certificates of Merit to Top 10 participants
  • Online Certificate of Participation to all


The last date to submit is June 05, 2024.

Submission Procedure

Click here to submit!

Contact Details

In case of any queries, please write to them at [email protected].

Official Brochure & Submission Guidelines

Click Here!


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