Legal Internship – ELT Consultants (DELHI)



ELT Consultants is a group of professionals working in the field of Law & litigation, Chartered Accountancy, and Company Secretary. ELT group has associate statutory registered Law firm and CA Firm. 



  • Excellent writing and communication skills
  • Highly fluent in English and Hindi
  • Passionate for writing
  • Students preferred knowledge of laws related to Legal Metrology laws, Food Safety laws, Insurance laws, Drugs & Cosmetics laws, BIS laws, Environmental laws, Succession & Inheritance laws, and others.   
  • Highly professional in conduct
  • Go-getter and executors



  • Writing Blogs for our websites
  • Creating content for social media websites like Facebook, YouTube, etc.
  • Conduct research on multiple topics like:- 

  1. Insurance laws, 
  2. Environmental laws, 
  3. Legal metrology laws, 
  4. Drugs & cosmetics laws and Medical Regulatory Laws
  5. Food safety laws etc.
  6. Foriegn Direct Investment Laws
  7. Intellectual property laws
  8. Cyber Laws
  9. State, inheritance and Succession Laws.
  10. Indirect Taxes, GST, Customs, DGFT, FEMA Laws.
  11. NGO Laws 
  12. Company Law & IBC
  13. Proofread and edit blogs before publication




Final year students of B.A, LL.B(H)/ LL.B or freshers/graduates can apply

Anyone available for a full time (in-office) internship

Anyone who can start the internship immediately

Anyone who is available for a duration of 2 months and well-deserved candidates may get an opportunity to work with us full time.

Preferably living nearby.



CONTACT: [email protected] or +91-8585916617

Disclaimer– All efforts are made to ensure the accuracy and correctness of the information published at Legally Flawless. However, Leally Flawless shall not be responsible for any errors caused due to oversight or otherwise. The students are advised to check an opportunity themselves before applying.


All efforts are made to ensure the accuracy and correctness of the information published at Legally Flawless. However, Legally Flawless shall not be responsible for any errors caused due to oversight or otherwise. The users are advised to check the information themselves.

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