Internship Opportunity at Chambers of Advocate Nipun Saxena

About Advocate Nipun Saxena:

Nipun Saxena is a practicing Advocate in the Supreme Court of India, and also takes up matters in various High Courts through out India. He also appears in Tribunals and Quasi Judicial authorities including but not restricted to the Telecom Dispute Settlement Tribunal, National Consumer Redressal Commission, Taxation Tribunals, Company Law Courts and Tribunals, the Tribunal for Money Laundering, National Green Tribunal, to name a few.

Alumnus of the prestigious National law University Delhi, he has authored and contributed in various International and National publications of repute, and has also worked closely with the Criminal Justice Administration Reforms.

He was also associated with the Additional Solicitor General of India and worked extensively on various land mark judgments. His interest lies in areas of Constitutional law, Criminal Law, Technology law, Crypto Asset Advisory and Litigation, Civil and Criminal procedure, Property and Real Estate Laws, White Collar Crimes including, Money laundering, CBI, EOW, ED related matters, Writ and Civil/ Criminal Appellate Jurisdiction in High Courts, Domestic and International Commercial Arbitration, Media Laws, Development Authorities and Panchayat Matters, Ports, Trusts, Societies, Cooperative Matters, Company Law, SEBI and Take Over Code, Insider Trading, etc. He has also a keen interest in Election related disputes, Competition and Anti Trust Matters, Consumer and Telecom Disputes, Environmental Laws, Policy Laws, Educational Institutions and College Matters. He is also deeply interested in Hindu Personal Laws including laws of transfer of property, family settlement, devolution of property, laws of partition.

Vacancy for:

Four (4) Interns


  • Students in their 3rd year of Law School or above enrolled in 5 year course
  • Students in their 2nd year of Law School or above enrolled in 3 year course

There will be a three phased assessment on the basis of your CV, a written assignment/draft followed by personal interview.


New Delhi

How to Apply?

Interested candidates may send in their CV to [email protected] on or before 25.02.2024 by EOD.

Official Notification

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