Internship Opportunity at Ask Junior

About Ask Junior:

Building legal tech research solutions to ease daily work flow of litigation lawyers.

At ASK JUNIOR, they’re dedicated to transforming the legal research process for litigation-focused lawyers. Leveraging advanced technology, we empower users with deeper analytical insights, saving valuable time and resources. Through curated summaries of court decisions and statutes, they eliminate redundancy, facilitate informed decision-making, and democratize access to justice.

They believe lawyers involved in litigation should focus on critical thinking and problem-solving, not redundant research tasks. By streamlining research and providing concise summaries, they enable legal professionals to engage in higher-level analysis and strategic planning. Additionally, they aim to ease financial burdens for litigants with cost-effective solutions.

About the Internship:

Here’s what you’ll get:

– Real experience working on innovative legal tech, not just fetching coffee
– Mentorship from their experienced team to accelerate your growth
– The chance to make a concrete impact on important projects

How to Apply?

Sound interesting? Send an email to them at [email protected] and tell them a bit about yourself and why you want to work with them. Keep it concise – a few paragraphs is plenty.

Official Notification and more information:


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