Call for Papers | Centre for Labour Laws, NLIU Bhopal.

About the Organization.

The Centre for Labour Laws (CLL) at the National Law Institute University, Bhopal aims to generate scholarship and work as a think tank for robustness and soundness of Employer-Employee Relations Management. To bring better analytical clarity at national, regional and global levels, the Centre seeks to engage public and private stakeholders for working together on the exchange of ideas, policy recommendations and allied regulatory issues.

About the Event.

CLL invites submissions for the second volume of its NLIU Journal for Labour and Employment Law(NLIU-JLEL). JLEL is a flagship journal published annually with a view to create meaningful debate and discourse to build a fair and equitable regime of laws related to workplace.

The Journal is accepting submissions under the broad theme of “Labour and Employment Laws” including inter alia industrial disputes, discrimination, gig economy, exploitation, minimum wage, restraint of trade, and whistleblowing. However, the submissions must be original and unpublished, and should have contemporary relevance.


The journal is accepting submissions in the following formats.

1. Article (4000 to 8000 words)

2. Essays (2000 to 4000 words)

3. Case Comment (2000 to 5000 words)

4. Legislative Comment (2000 to 4000 words)

5. Book review (1000 to 3000 words)

Please send in your submission bio Google form on website on or before 11.59 PM, 31st October, 2021.

BFor any clarification/ query, please write to us on [email protected] or contact:

Devansh Malhotra (Editor in-Chief)—9872450314 (WhatsApp Only)

Vidhi Saxena (Managerial head)—9340926023 (WhatsApp Only)

Tanya Agarwal (Managerial head)—8959911320 (WhatsApp Only)


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