On-line National Workshop on Intellectual Property and the Sustainable Development Goals by CNLU, Patna | 28th April, 2024 (Sunday)

Concept Note

In the last decades of the twentieth century, the awakening towards sustainable development emerged as a common concern in the global agenda. The Brundtland report on ‘Our Common Future’, forced the intellectuals to discuss over the issues of sustainable development: ‘the development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the needs of future one”.

Hence the United Nation earmarked seventeen goals to eradicate poverty, erase hunger, establish good health and well-being , provide quality education, enforce gender equality , improve clean water and sanitation ,grow affordable and clean energy , Create Decent Work and Economic Growth Increase Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, Reduce Inequality, Mobilize Sustainable Cities and Communities, Influence Responsible Consumption and Production, Organize Climate Action, Develop Life Below Water, Advance Life on Land, Guarantee Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, Build Partnerships for the Goals.

These seventeen sustainable development goals (SDGs) are interdependent, with action in one area affecting outcomes in others. Hence the development policies and efforts must focus on balanced socio-economic-ecosystem for sustainability. Mere slogan cannot achieve the goals. It requires to have a concrete outcome through the creativity and innovation, in terms of technology, awareness, creative thinking for better present and brighter tomorrow.

In this context it would be our efforts to find out how intellectual property can remove the hurdles in the way to achieve the earmarked goals. How can the IP tools, Copyrights, patents, trademarks, design, trade secrets, plant variety and farmer’s rights etc can help in achieving the sustainable goals for brighter future for everyone, everywhere.


Open to all.


No Fee.


E-certificates shall be issued to those who attend the workshop.

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  1. I am really looking forward to participate in this internship program. But unfortunately I can’t register my name. It’s shows that seat are full. So please if kindly arrange one seat for me it will be helpful to me
    Than you


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