Table of Contents
About L.J. School of Law
The Lok Jagruti Kendra’s idea behind starting the school of Law is not just to produce degree holders in law but to produce Lawyers who would practice in courts of law. In view of the globalized scenario, the institute’s thrust areas would be cybercrime, forensic law, legal communications, skill acquisitions in interpreting and applying laws, and Public law including public interest litigations besides full-time faculty, the institute has plans for large-scale involvement of eminent lawyers practicing in local courts, High Courts and Supreme Court.
The institute also proposes to introduce a pedagogical innovation – “Lawyer on wheels”- under which the students will go to interior villages for creating legal awareness as well as for providing legal help to the socially and economically backward classes. The institute will provide a unique learning experience to the students.
About Lok Jagruti Kendra (LJK)
Lok Jagruti Kendra (LJK) is a charitable trust and registered society founded in 1980 by eminent academicians, professionals and distinguished personalities drawn from across the society. LJ stands for ‘Lok’ (i.e. people) and ‘Jagruti’ (i.e. awareness) and the vision of the Trust has been to become a key player in the field of education and social development by promoting and nurturing creativity, scholarship, innovations and excellence through a chain of quality institutes.
Themes and Sub-Themes
Corporate and Economic Laws:
- New Emerging Economic Offenses.
- Economic Development V/S Sustainable Development- Opportunities And Challenges.
- Threat Of Global Economic Crisis In India.
- Protective Measures For Indigenous Businesses And Conflicts To National Trade Law And Policy.
- Protecting And Promoting Indian Start-Ups: Towards Achieving “Aatmanirbhar Bharat” Make In India And Legal Frame Work For The Same.
- Ease Of Doing Business Vis-A-Vis Ease Of Adjudication Of Business Disputes.
- Revisiting Available Policies For Small – Medium Business Sector.
- E-Commerce, Business Privacy Concerns And Solution Under Indian Legal Regime.
- Bankruptcy And Insolvency.
Labour Laws and Human Rights
- Labour And Employment Welfare Regulations: Efficacy, Impediments, And Solutions In Easing Business Environment In India.
- Towards The Social Construction Of New Labour Markets: Interdisciplinary Reflections On The Changing World Of Work.
- Workers And Workers Organising In The Hybrid Areas Of Labour – A Multidisciplinary Dialogue Between Sociology And Labour Law.
- New Labour Code , Emerging Global Business And Human Rights.
- Challenges Associated With Short-Term Labour Mobility: Third-Country Nationals, Posted Workers, Seasonal Workers, And Refugees.
- Relevance Of Sustainable Development Goals For Workers And Involvement Of ILO.
Technology Laws
- Metaverse: Legality And Regulatory Concerns.
- Artificial Intelligence System: Issues Of Affordability, Accountability And Ethical Challenges, IPR And Legitimate Usage By States And Organizations.
- The Role Of Technology In The Justice Delivery System: Pros And Cons Of The Same.
- Regulatory Challenges And Opportunity In The New ICT Ecosystem.
- Technology And Crime: Data Security, Data Privacy, Data Protection.
- Digital Forensics And Digital Evidences: Trends And Issues.
- Block Chain Regulations And Concerns.
- Deep & Dark Net – National And International Approach.
Submission Guidelines
“Selected papers will be published by Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group imprints and selected papers shall be sent for Scopus Indexing (with additional publication charges)”
The abstract should not exceed 300 words, and must be accompanied with a cover page stating:
- Theme/ Sub-theme
- Title of the Paper
- Name of the Author(s)
- Name of the Institution
- E-mail Address
- Postal Address
- Contact number
The abstract file shall be named as:
<Theme number sub theme> _<full name of the authors)>
For eg:
- Single Authorship: Theme1a_Vidhishahvora
- Co-Authorship: Theme1d_Vidhishahvora&Yashwantbohra
The word limit of the full paper shall be 7000 words (max.) (excluding footnotes/annexure/reports etc.) and must be accompanied with the following details:
A cover letter mentioning the Name of the Author(s), Course, Year of Study (if applicable), Name of the College/University (if applicable), Professional Position (if applicable), Title and Theme of the Paper, with Postal Address, Email Address and Contact Number.
Formatting and Submissions
Formatting Requirements:
- The main text of the full paper and the abstract should be in Times New Roman with font size 12 and line spacing of 1.5.
- The footnotes should be in Times New Roman, font size 10 with spacing of 1.0 (Endnotes are not permitted)
- One inch margins should be maintained on all four sides of the pages.
- Citation Style: Bluebook, 20th edition.
- The abstract and full paper have to mandatorily be submitted in pdf format only.
- Co-authorship is permitted to a maximum of two authors and at least one author must attend the National conference to present the paper.
- No Proxy presentations are allowed.
- The L J School of Law, in keeping with its mandate of publishing original works only, adopts a stringent anti-plagiarism policy. Any paper containing any unattributed work is thus liable to be rejected.
Click here to Submit your Abstract!
Click here for the Registration Form!
Registration, Accommodation and Awards
Who may attend the conference?
- Academicians, Students, Research Scholars from the disciplines of Law, Finance,
- Business Management, Commerce, and Public Policy.
- Professionals – Lawyers, Consultants, Practitioners.
- Members of Research Institutes, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs).
- Representatives from Companies or other Institutions.
- Representatives of Government, Policy Makers and Regulatory Bodies
Important Dates
Last Date of Abstract Submission | 31/12/2022 |
Last Date for Confirmation of Acceptance | 07/01/2023 |
Last Date for Confirmation of Acceptance | 16/01/2023 |
Last Date for sending the corrected Manuscript | 05/02/2023 |
Last Date for Registration | 10/02/2023 |
L.J. School of Law, L.J. Campus, Sarkhej-Ahmedabad
Registration Fees
Category | Amount |
Attendees- Students (without Paper-Presentation) | Rs. 1,200/- |
Attendees- Research Scholars (without Paper-Presentation) | Rs. 1,500/- |
Attendees- Others (without Paper- Presentation) | Rs. 1,800/- |
Participants- Students(with Paper- Presentation) | Rs. 1,800/- |
Participants- Research Scholars (with Paper- Presentation) | Rs. 2,200/- |
Participants- Others (with Paper- Presentation) | Rs. 2,500/- |
Payment Mode and Details
L.J. School of Law | Branch: Gandhi Road, Ahmedabad | IFSC Code: ICIC000 1369 |
Bank Name: ICICI | Ac. No. 136901000844 | Mode of Payment: Online |
Participants can plan their travel as per their convenience and accommodation assistance can be offered at additional charges based on their requirements.
Basic Accomodation | Deluxe Accomodation | Superior Accomodation |
Double/Triple Sharing | Double/Triple Sharing | Double/Triple Sharing |
Rs. 500 | Rs. 1,500 | Rs. 2,200 |
per day | per day | per day |
Accommodation details and travel plan should be provided in the google form with the proof of payment.
Best paper | Rs. 10,000/- | Certificate and Trophy |
2nd Price | Rs. 5,000/- | Certificate and Trophy |
3rd Price | Rs. 3,000/- | Certificate and Trophy |
Selected papers will be published by Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.
Contact details
Organizing Committee:
- Dr. Dinesh Awasthi, Vice Chancellor, LJKU
- CS. Chaitali Jani, Director (I/C), L J School of Law, +91 98255 55613
Event Co-ordinators
- Asst. Prof. (Dr.) Vidhi Shah Vora, +91-90162-01805
- Asst. Prof. Yashwant Bohra, +91-86002-16513
Student Co-ordinators
- Mr. Javvad Shaikh, +91-82380-33682
- Ms. Apeksha Patel, +91-99240-51714
Relevant Brochure
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