Legal Internship Opportunity at International Criminal Court

Organizational UnitLegal Advisory Section, Office of the Prosecutor
Duty StationThe Hague, Netherlands
Contract Duration6 months
Deadline for Applications16 July 2021

Required Documents for This Application

Please note that you will need to have the following information ready in order to complete your application:

  • A completed “Duties and Responsibilities Form” (refer to step 1 on your eRecruitment Profile page).
  • Motivation letter (maximum of 400 words).
  • Two reference letters (one academic).
  • Scanned copies of university degrees and/or diplomas.
  • Scanned copies of official academic transcripts that state your courses, results and completion date.
  • One short essay on a subject relevant to the work of the Court (maximum of 750 words, single spaced, type written).

Contract Duration

Interns are required to work full time for a period of six months (to be agreed to prior to commencement). Internship placements shall not be extended beyond six months.

Duties and Responsibilities

Under the supervision of staff members of the Section, interns will:

  • Conduct legal researchinter alia, on international criminal law and procedure, human rights law, international humanitarian law, (other branches of) public international law, compliance and ethics, and national criminal law and procedure;
  • Assist with the development and drafting of internal regulatory instruments;
  • Provide other contributions to any of the tasks of the Section.

Required Qualifications


All Candidates must, at the start date of their internship, have a law degree from a recognised university; an advanced degree will be a strong asset. Candidates are expected to have a very good record of academic performance.


Internship placements focus on candidates in the early stages of their professional careers; therefore, practical experience is not an essential prerequisite for selection. However, practical experience that is relevant to the work of the Section may be considered an asset.

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:

Candidates must:

  • Demonstrate excellent analytical and drafting skills;
  • Be able to adapt to multicultural and multilingual working environments;
  • Possess strong teamwork skills (listen, consult and communicate proactively);
  • Have acquired a good standard of computer skills (including Microsoft Office applications)

 Knowledge of Languages:

Proficiency in one of the working languages of the Court, French or English, is required. Working knowledge of the other is desirable. Knowledge of another official language of the Court (Arabic, Chinese, Russian and Spanish) or any other language is an asset.

Other criteria:

In line with the ICC’s efforts to improve geographical representation among staff, nationals of the countries listed below are strongly encouraged to apply.


Please note that internship and visiting professional placements at the ICC are unfunded. The ICC is not able to provide participants in the Internship and Visiting Professional Programme with any remuneration, nor is it possible to provide reimbursement for expenses incurred prior, during or after the internship or visiting professional placement.

Applicants must therefore be able to support themselves for the entire duration of their internship or visiting professional placement.

Limited funding may, however, be available through the ICC’s Trust Fund for the Development of Interns and Visiting Professionals, which receives donations from States Parties and other donors.

If funding is available, the Human Resources Section will advertise a funded vacancy announcement in accordance with the terms of reference of the Trust Fund as agreed by the donors.

In order to be eligible for a funded placement, if advertised, the applicant must, among other criteria, be a national from a country that is a State Party to the Rome Statue and appears on the United Nations Statistics Division’s list of developing regions.

Disclaimer: All efforts are made to ensure the accuracy and correctness of the information published at Legally Flawless. However, Legally Flawless shall not be responsible for any errors caused due to oversight or otherwise. The students are advised to check an opportunity themselves before applying.


All efforts are made to ensure the accuracy and correctness of the information published at Legally Flawless. However, Legally Flawless shall not be responsible for any errors caused due to oversight or otherwise. The users are advised to check the information themselves.

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