Legal Internship at KNM & Partners

Name of the Law Firm:  KNM & Partners

About the Law Firm:  KNM & Partners is a Delhi-based full-service law firm, having associate offices all over India, engaged in providing legal services to corporate and other clients. The Firm\’s prime commitment is to provide quality and efficient services to clients. The Firm\’s dedication to clients\’ interest involves the strife for excellence as well as an appreciation of the commercial environment in which the clients operate.

 The Firm combines a personal approach with high professional standards and aims to provide comprehensive legal services to its clients. The Firm provides valuable insights regarding the prevailing economic and commercial climate in India. 


Practice Areas: Agency & Franchise, Admiralty, Anti Dumping, Aviation, Arbitration & Dispute Resolution, Banking, Securities and Financial Services, Capital Market, Corporate & Commercial, Company Registration, Competition Law, Consumer Laws, Copyright, Debt Recovery, Entry Strategy, Environmental Laws, Family Laws, and many more.




Locations: New Delhi


Address: First Floor, The Great Eastern Centre, 70, Nehru Place, Behind IFCI Tower, New Delhi – 110 019 India.


Apply for Internship: You can directly send your CV at: [email protected]

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All efforts are made to ensure the accuracy and correctness of the information published at Legally Flawless. However, Legally Flawless shall not be responsible for any errors caused due to oversight or otherwise. The users are advised to check the information themselves.

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