Judicial Fellowship Opportunity At The International Court Of Justice


The Programme was established in 1999 to enable recent law graduates to gain professional experience working at the ICJ. The Fellowship Programme aims to improve participants’ understanding of public international law and of the Court’s procedures by actively involving them in the work of the Court and allowing them to build on their experience under the supervision of a judge.

About The Fellowship:

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) is open for applications for the 2023-2024 Judicial Fellowship Programme (formerly known as the University Traineeship Programme).  The Judicial Fellows work on a full-time basis under the supervision of a Member of the Court and alongside the primary legal assistant of the judge.


The Court normally accepts up to 15 participants per year from various universities across the world.


A special trust fund has been developed to facilitate fellowship awards to selected candidates who are nationals of developing countries from universities based in developing countries.


The submission deadline is 5 February 2023. All submissions must be made by universities, NOT by individuals.

Application Procedure:

University applications should proceed here: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=HQ5ohaMSRk2cmJvuOQH8V8DK29D71_VMtLlhzXLJ-25UQkNZR0I1TDNTSktRUENWNkJXMFZXTlVEMS4u


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