Job Vacancy At The Chambers Of Ratan K Singh

About The Job:

The Chambers of Senior Advocate Mr. Ratan K Singh, New Delhi is looking to hire 3 persons.


Candidates having experience in second chairing, briefing, and leading arbitration matters as the counsel on record with good drafting skills will be highly desired. Your chance of working with the chambers will increase exponentially if along with the above-mentioned criteria you also hold a degree in Civil Engineering.


2 persons having PQE of 4-6 years (flexible) in the field of #Construction #Arbitration (Dispute Resolution). They will get the opportunity to specifically work with Sir in this and other areas of law.

1 person in a #Secretarial position whose scope of work will be to manage the dates of court hearings, arbitration proceedings, meetings, etc. of Sir and the chambers. PQE of 1-2 years in a similar role is what the chambers are looking for.


Salary will not be a concern if you fulfill the desired requirements.

Application Procedure:

Please write to Mr. Aman by 30 November, 2022 at [email protected]


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