Internship Opportunity at NLSIU’s Chair on Consumer Law and Practice | Online & Offline | Apply Now!


The National Law School of India University, the country’s most prestigious law school,was established by a Notification issued under the National Law School of India University Act (Karnataka Act 22 of 1986).The UGC,  the Government of India, the Government of Karnataka, the Department of Women and Child Development, UN agencies, the World Bank, HIVOS, the Department of Justice, and others have all financed research initiatives at the Law School. The projects have improved research and teaching at the Law School. Since its founding, the National Law School of India University has taken proactive initiatives to organise conferences, seminars, workshops, refresher courses, and certificate courses to keep academicians, law teachers, students, and industry employees up to date on a variety of topics.

Purpose of the Internship

To familiarize the interested and willing students of Law with the provisions of Consumer Protection Laws and acquaint the interns with the need and importance of Consumer Protection and Consumer Welfare.


The Nature of Internship is generally physical. But due to COVID-19 pandemic, both virtual and physical Internship are being accepted (physical internship is more preferable looking towards prevailing pandemic).


  1. Internship is open to students from recognized Law Institutions and Universities
  2. Students pursuing following courses can apply:
    1. Second and third year of the Bachelor’s degree in Law ( 3 year course after graduation), or
    2. Fourth and final year of the integrated five year course in Law.
    3. LLM Students
    4. Research Scholars and Practitioners may also apply


The Internship shall be for a minimum period of 30 days

Number of Slots

Two (2) slots available in a month is but not exceeding (3) in any case.

Nature of Internship

Internship is a fulltime programme and hence interns are required observe official working hours of the Centre (9:30 a.m. – 5.30 p.m. excluding lunch hours). Any absence during working hours may result in extension of the period of internship

Applying Procedure

Interested candidates may send an email to consumerlaw[at] (Subject: Application for Internship) in alongwith following documents:

  1. Application Form (Attached in Internship Policy)
  2. Curriculum Vitae
  3. A sample writeup note for about 1000 words on Consumer Protection Law or Mediation law


Certificates will be awarded to the interns on successful completion of their internship and on fulfilling all the mandatory requirements to the complete satisfaction of the Centre Head.


No amount will be given as honorarium during the internship.

Applying Procedure

  1. Interested students may apply in the prescribed form given in Annexure-A with detailed CV. Application in any other format will not be entertained.
  2. Application must contain recommendation of the competent authority from the academic institution, where the candidate is pursuing her/his studies. Applications received without recommendations will not be entertained. Format for recommendation is given in the official notification linked at the end of this post.
  3. Applications shall also contain undertaking as mentioned in Annexure-C in the official notification linked at the end of this post.
  4. Applicants, along with application of Internship are required to submit a writeup note for about 1000 words on Consumer Protection Law or Mediation law for acceptance of Internship. It should broadly cover a brief introduction of the topic, objectives of the study, methodology to be employed and bibliography.
  5. Application should be made 1 month in advance, clearly mentioning the dates for which internship is to be considered.
  6. Applications in the prescribed format (completely scanned in all respects) may be sent to email id: [email protected] with subject as Application for Internship form dd/mm/yyyy to dd/mm/yyyy.


The candidate is expected to make his/her own arrangement for accommodation during the internship period. However, the candidate may approach the Chief Warden of the Halls of Residence of NLSIU for paid accommodation the allotment of hostel facility is at the discretion of Chief Warden & subject to availability.

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