Internship Opportunity at ALG India Law Offices LLP

Name of the Organization:

ALG India Law Offices LLP

About the Organization:

ALG is a dynamic mid-sized intellectual property law firm, and we pride ourselves on our skilled and experienced professionals who enable us to provide sophisticated and personalized legal services in a timely and effective manner. As a firm, we have an international outlook and strive to be the go-to firm in India for clients who seek quality legal advice and responsive and personalized service.


Location: New Delhi, India

About the Internship:

ALG’s Internship Program invites pre-pre-final year law students i.e. students from the 3rd year (of the 5-year programme) and 1st year (of the 3-year programme) for ‘Pre-Final Year Internship’ with ALG’s General IP and Patents practice.

Read the Conditions to apply:

To apply, fill the Online Application Form available at:

Other Deatails:
  • You cannot do an ALG Internship in combination or in conjunction with any other professional/work commitment or engagement.
  • It must be exclusive, and not part-time.
  • You will be required to provide a declaration to this effect in your application form.
How to Apply?


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