Call for Submission | Society for International Trade; Competition Law Blog.

About the Organization

The Society for International Trade and Competition Law (‘SITC’) is an academic society of the West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences (‘WBNUJS’), Kolkata. Its aim is to increase the awareness with respect to the two legal fields of competition and international trade law among law students and the public at large. It is also our aim to become the first information portal in India for tracking developments in the fields of competition and trade law. The SITC blog, which is run by the members of the society is a sincere attempt to keep you updated about the various developments in the field of international trade and competition laws in India and abroad. We hope this endeavour serves to be of immense utility to students, academicians as well as legal practitioners.  In the absence of any quality blog or any other source exclusively dedicated to these areas in India, we at SITC felt the need to take the initiative to make a repertoire of information and diverse opinions on major and not so major issues, both legal and commercial.

We welcome guest contributions the form of (i) literature review (ii) short essays (iii) information based blog posts (iv) opinion based posts. We welcome all forms of contributions that our readers could possibly like to read.  

SITC Focus

The Society for International Trade and Competition Law focuses on the dynamic changes in global economic conditions raise new questions and problems in the fields of Trade and Competition Law, which are a cause of concern for almost every country. SITC seeks to provide a platform for discussion and deliberation on these issues in order to analyze its various facets and derive legal solutions to contemporary issues in these areas.

How to Submit?

In order to facilitate independent, innovative dialogue on international trade and competition law, submissions from the students, academics, professionals, and practitioners are invited. Authors are requested to send in their submissions to blog.sitc[at]

For further information, please send an e-mail to blog.sitc[at] and we will reply as soon as possible.

The submission must deal with issues regarding international trade law or competition law and must provide the author’s novel take on the issue. Submissions must deal with recent issues and either explain normative trends or propose unique solutions to current problems are preferred.

Regardless of the nature of analysis adopted (critical/jurisprudential/theoretical, etc.,) the submission must involve clear identification of issues and must attempt to critique or resolve them in a logical manner.

Submission Guidelines
  1. Submission must be original and unpublished.
  2. Submission must be within 1000-1200 words.
  3. Submission must be in the form of a word document. The name of the document must include the title of the submission.
  4. Citations must be included in the form of hyperlinks to the sources referred to (open access version where available) within the text itself. References must be in the form of footnotes only for those sources which are not available online. Footnotes must be formatted in accordance with the NUJS Law Review Standard (available here) uniformly across the document.
  5. Co-authorship of up to two authors is allowed.
  6. The submission shall revolve around the theme of International Trade and Commerce or Competition Law. Interdisciplinary articles are allowed as long as they are substantially linked to International Trade and Commerce, or Competition Law.
  7. The Submission must contain some novel analysis, and not merely be a depiction of existing literature or assimilation of various online sources amounting to an informative piece.
  8. Submissions must have a brief introductory paragraph summarizing the key aspects and objectives of the article.
  9. Submissions must be sent to sitc[at] in the form of a mail with the subject “Blog Submission”.
  10. Only the mail sending the submission must contain a covering letter containing the name of the authors, their institutional affiliation and year of study. The submitted document itself should not not contain anything to indicate the identity of the authors.
  11. In case the author is making submissions to simultaneous forums apart from SITC Blog, the same should be clearly mentioned in the body of the Email.
  12. The text of the Submission shall be in Times New Roman, size 12, Justified. The footnotes shall be in Times New Roman, size 10, Justified.
  13. The submission will be promptly acknowledged by the Blog team. It shall take up 8-12 days to revert back on the review of a piece. The Editorial Board reserves full discretion to accept or reject a submission. Requests for expedited reviews shall be taken into consideration. In such a case, the author(s) must specifically mention in the body of the mail the request for an expedited review and the date by which they would want a reply.
  14. All submissions approved in the review process shall be sent for plagiarism check. Only after this check shall they be finally published on the Blog.

The author may republish or cross-post any submission published on the SITC Blog. However, such re-publication or cross-posting must give due reference to SITC Blog as the original forum of publication in the beginning itself.

The submissions will be on a rolling basis.

Please submit your pieces to us by e-mailing us your submissions at [email protected] We will review your pieces and get back to you in 8-12 days.

For more details visit official website.


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