Call for Papers | NUJS Journal of Regulatory Studies Governance and Public Policy | Submit Now!

About the Centre for Regulatory Studies, Governance and Public Policy (CRSGPP)

The Centre for Regulatory Studies, Governance and Public Policy (CRSGPP) was established at the West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences in July 2015 to promote interdisciplinary research.

It was established on the basis of the concurrence of the Department of Higher Education and Finance Department of the Government of West Bengal and further approved by the Executive Council of the University in its 48th Meeting held on April 25, 2015. CRSGPP is supported by the Judicial Department, Government of West Bengal since its inception.

About the Call for papers

Centre for Regulatory Studies, Governance, and Public Policy hereby invite scholarly articles for its peer-reviewed Journal- NUJS Journal of Regulatory Studies that shall be published in the upcoming issues.

The Journal is uniquely construed for extending beyond articulating and conceptualizing the problems that plague society but aims at invoking action based on the issues raised in the publication. The Journal is primarily concerned with governance and policy formulations, does not seek to restrict the scholars’ creative minds, and encourages papers pertaining to law, social science, science, and other relevant issues in which intervention at various levels can be sought. The Journal appreciates analytical doctrinal research as well as empirical field research that is aimed at worthwhile contribution to the field and chosen subject area. The motto of the Journal is to call for action through policies aiding good governance.


The Journal invites contributions on the subject areas focusing on legislative policy, administration of justice, implementation of law, and comparative study of policy implications.

NUJS Journal of Regulatory Studies is a quarterly online journal bearing ISSN no. 2456-4605 (O) and actively contributes to the existing knowledge base since its first publication in 2016.


NUJS encourages and welcomes original research work from research scholars, faculties, bureaucrats, scientists, and students to enrich the Journal.


Submissions should be made to [email protected] with the subject of the email titled as the following: SUBMISSION:_ Title of the paper_Name of the author.

Submission Guidelines

  • Guidelines on Authorship
    • Authorship
      • Contribution to the Journal shall be accepted only by the original authors.
      • A maximum of four authors can be accommodated as joint authors. The first author shall be ordinarily treated as the corresponding author. It is the prerogative of the authors on the principal authorship or authorship order.
      • Authors must provide their affiliation with complete contact details, including postal and email addresses and mobile numbers.
      • It is the author’s responsibility to disclose any potential conflict of interest regarding the Manuscript.
    • Acknowledgments
      • Please mention any personal, professional, or institutional acknowledgments (if any) separately to the main text.
      • Author Rights
        As an author, you (or your employer or institution) have certain rights to reuse your work which is limited in nature and any clarification that may be sought from Editor-in-Chief as and when required.
    • Guidelines on Manuscript
      • The preferred length of a long article is between 8,000 and 12,000 words, including references.
      • The preferred length of a short article/case comment is between 3,000 and 5,000 words, including references.
      • All articles must be accompanied by an abstract of 150–200 words together with approximately five keywords.
      • Book reviews should be between 1,200 and 1,500 words with full details of the book reviewed, including the subtitle, the author’s name, place of publication, name of publisher, year of publication, number of pages, and the price.
      • Manuscripts must be double-spaced with one-inch margins all around. Use Times New Roman with the 12-point font for all typed text.
      • To avoid grammatical and spelling errors, you are strongly advised to use your word
        processor’s ‘spell-check’ and ‘grammar-check functions.
      • Single quotes throughout; double quotes are used within single quotes. Spellings of words in quotations should not be changed.
    • Essential title page information
      • Title: should be concise and indicative. Avoid abbreviations in the title.
      • Author names and affiliations: Please indicate the authors’ names separately with their affiliations and check that all names are accurately spelt. Indicate all affiliations with a lowercase letter immediately after the author’s name. Provide the full postal address of each affiliation with the email address and phone number of each author.
      • Corresponding author: Indicate the corresponding author in case of multiple authors who will be contacted if needed for correspondence at all stages of refereeing and publication, also post-publication. Ensure that the email address and contact details given are up to date of the corresponding author and that any changes should be immediately informed.
    • Use of inclusive language:
      • Authors should ensure that the contents of the Manuscript are free from bias, recognizes diversities, and conveys respect and sensitivity towards differences.
      • Articles should use inclusive language throughout the Manuscript to ensure that it gives no way for any assumptions about the beliefs or commitments of any subject being researcher or the community it caters to or even the reader. It should contain nothing which might imply that one individual is superior to another on the grounds of race, sex, culture or any other characteristic.
    • Copyright
      • Being an online Journal, the content is published on the Journal’s websites as well as on select databases. The Copyright of the research articles published in the Journal is held by the University, i.e. WBNUJS.


The journal is accepting articles on a quarterly basis. The publication is every quarter starting with the first issue in January every year.

  • In case of any queries, email at: [email protected]
  • For any queries regarding submissions, write to:
  • Managing Editor, Dr. Jayanta Ghosh, Head & Research Fellow, Centre for Regulatory Studies, Governance and Public Policy, The West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences. Email: [email protected]
  • Or write to: Vijoy Kumar Sinha (Assistant Editor) – [email protected]
  • Sanghamitra Baladhikari (Assistant Editor) –[email protected]

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