Call for Papers | Centre for Studies in Banking and Finance, National Law University – Jodhpur.

About the Organization

The Centre was established in 2002, under the patronage of the Reserve Bank of India with the aim of providing a platform for students, scholars and practitioners to exchange views on contemporary regulatory and legal issues in field of banking and finance.

About the Event

We are pleased to inform you that we are inviting submissions for all kinds of original and unpublished articles from academicians, authors, legal professionals, and students towards publication in Volume X, Issue I of Scholasticus (ISSN 0975-1157) under the following categories:
Long Articles (5,000 – 8,000 words)
Short Articles (3,000 – 5,000 words)
Case Notes, Legislative Comments, Book/Article Reviews (1,500 – 3,000 words).

About Scholasticus

Scholasticus (ISSN 0975-1157) is one of the earliest publications by National Law University, Jodhpur established with the objective of promoting academic research and fostering debate in the field of Banking & Finance. The Journal has been re-launched after a gap of a few years, and is now published under the aegis of the Centre of Studies in Banking and Finance at National Law University, Jodhpur. It is a bi-annual, double-blind student reviewed and edited journal, with an ambit broad enough to include issues in the fields of project finance, private equity, corporate
finance, debt restructuring, capital markets, etc. The Journal has had the privilege of publishing the articles from some stalwarts of the legal arena including Mr. Abir Lal Dey (Partner, Saraf & Partners), Dr. Neeti Shikha (Head, Centre for Insolvency & Bankruptcy, Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs, New Delhi), Mr. Siddharth Srivastava (Partner, Khaitan & Co.), Mr. Sudarshan Sen (Former Executive Director at Reserve Bank of India), etc. To check out our previous issues, please visit our website here. Submissions can be made by filling this form.

About the Centre

The Centre of Studies in Banking and Finance at National Law University, Jodhpur (CSBF) was established by the Reserve Bank of India in 2002. The Centre provides a platform for scholars and practitioners to exchange views on issues dealing with banking and financial systems through its Conferences, Essay Competitions, Workshops and Discussion Forums. CSBF seeks to promote discourse related to the banking sector, capital markets, and other financial services. The Journal is another venture of the Centre to associate with professionals, judges, academicians and students to discuss ideas related to the banking and finance sector.


Scholasticus (ISSN 0975-1157) is accepting submissions under the following categories:
• Long Articles (5,000 – 8,000 words): Long Articles must comprehensively analyse important themes and may adopt comparative perspectives. It must analyse the current practice in the field, identify the lacunae therein and provide constructive suggestions.
• Short Articles (3,000 – 5,000 words): typically identify a specific issue, which may be of contemporary relevance and present a central argument.
Case Notes, Legislative Comments, Book/Article Reviews (1,500 – 3,000 words).


• The Journal is pleased to invite submissions for its Volume X, Issue I. The deadline for sending submissions for he forthcoming volume is January 25, 2022.
• Submissions must be made in electronic format by filling the form available here.
• All submissions must be in MS Word format (.doc) or (.docs), with Garamond font (Main text: size 12 and line spacing: 1.5, footnotes: size 10, and line spacing: 1).
• An abstract of not more than 250 words must be provided. Co-authorship (up to 2 authors) is permitted.
• No biographical information or references, including the name(s) of the author(s), affiliation(s), and acknowledgments should be included in the text of the manuscript, file name, or document properties.
• Scholasticus uses only footnotes (and not endnotes) as a mode of citation. Submissions must conform to the Bluebook (20th edition) Citation style.
• Submissions are accepted for publication on the condition that they do not infringe on the copyright or any other rights of any third parties. Any form of plagiarism is strictly discouraged.
• Submissions made to Scholasticus shall be exclusive and must not be concurrently under consideration by any other publication.


• Need to introduce changes in the legal framework governing IPO, norms of RPTs etc.
• DVR framework introduced by SEBI. Mandatory issue of debt securities.
• Liberalization of overseas funding. Regulatory framework for silver exchange traded funds, prepaid payment instruments, digital banks, etc
• Tendering shares in open offers.

The deadline for sending submissions for the forthcoming issue is January 25, 2022.

Kindly note that the submissions must be made in electronic format by filling out the form available here:


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