Call for Papers | CADR – Centre for Alternative Dispute Resolution, RGNUL | “An ounce of mediation is worth a pound of arbitration and a ton of litigation!” — Joseph Grynbaum

Submission Guidelines

I. Content:

The articles that we desire to publish on the CADR Blog are ones which are analytical, provide commentary and stimulate discussion on developments and issues in vogue. At the same time, we realize the import of revisiting issues which have gone dormant, un-researched, or have scope for renewed discussions. We look forward to such submissions. And though mere summaries of cases do not usually contribute much to these ends, we encourage authors to provide their critiques and explore different, consociated themes if they do submit such articles.

We would also be highly receptive to submissions which initiate or elaborate as well as comment on developments and concepts from foreign jurisdictions or which are multi-jurisdictional in nature. An increasing trend has been the internationalization of ADR, and we welcome submissions which shed light on pastures outside. Juxtaposed/Comparative analysis of various jurisdictions is welcome too.

II. Submission Process:

1. The CADR Editorial Board has a strict double-blind review process. For an understanding of the process, we encourage listening to this podcast here.

2. At the outset, the authors are requested to send manuscripts which are original and unpublished. In case plagiarism is detected, the Editorial Board has the right to reject the submission. Due credit must be given, to the best of the authors’ abilities, to all who have ideated the content the authors have submitted.

3. All submissions must be accompanied by an abstract of preferably 100–150 words, and at no time more than 200 words, briefly explaining the crux of the submission/the research question/focus of commentary or analysis and if possible, the structure of the submission.

4. All submissions must be accompanied by an abstract of preferably 100–150 words, and at no time more than 200 words, briefly explaining the crux of the submission/the research question/focus of commentary or analysis and if possible, the structure of the submission.

5 .All submissions should be in .doc or .docx format. The manuscripts must be submitted on our submission form here.

III. Length:

Submissions should preferably be within 800 – 1500 words. Submissions with word-limits greater than 1500 words may be published in parts.

IV. References:

In keeping with the informal tenor of Blog posts, unlike research articles, we prefer hyperlinks over footnotes and endnotes. Footnotes and endnotes should only be used for references which are under a paywall or are offline – such as book chapters, articles, etc.

The copyright over the manuscripts vest with the CADR, however, all the moral rights vest with the author. At no time will CADR use the submission for commercial use without notice to the author(s) or without attributing it to them.

We do not cross-post from other websites. If your work published on the CADR Blog needs to be cross-posted to another website, the same can only be done after grant of explicit permission from the Editorial Board of the CADR Blog.

Contact Details

Any queries pertaining to the submissions are to be sent to [email protected].

For more details please visit official website.

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