Call for Book Reviews: LHSS Journal, MNLU Mumbai

About LHSS

The LHSS Blog of MNLU Mumbai, initiated in January 2022 metamorphosed into The LHSS Collective after 11 months of its inception as the founding vision of the blog stirred us to expand our operations, outreach and team. The LHSS Blog was formed due to an observable lack of platforms in the global south which were dedicated to studying the intersection between Law and Social Sciences. Hence, MNLU Mumbai approved the creation of such a platform. The faculty in charge for the blog is Dr Upamanyu Sengupta. Apart from functioning as a regular blog, LHSS successfully consolidated and curated the relevant literature produced in monthly roundups, apart from creating content like editorials, podcasts and such other forms, while actively commissioning and soliciting content from well-known personalities in this field among other things. The collective today delivers on all goals of the blog apart from a renewed approach to collaborating with like-minded sister organizations.

About LHSS-J

The Law, Humanities and Social Sciences Journal (LHSS-J), published by the LHSS Collective, MNLU Mumbai, invites book reviews for its upcoming issue. The journal is committed to fostering interdisciplinary engagement between law and the humanities and social sciences, bridging the gap between legal theory and societal realities.

We welcome well-argued, insightful, and critical reviews of books that contribute to legal, historical, sociological, philosophical, and political discourse.

We have curated a list of books that we would particularly like to receive reviews on, covering a range of interdisciplinary perspectives in law, humanities, and social sciences. However, this is a non-exhaustive list, and we strongly encourage readers to submit reviews of other books that align with the themes and scope of our journal. If you have come across a book that critically engages with legal, philosophical, historical, political, or sociological discourse in a meaningful way, we welcome your insights and analyses. Our aim is to foster diverse conversations, and we look forward to receiving thought-provoking reviews beyond the suggested titles.

Please find the list of books attached here.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Word count for book review is 1500-3000 words.       
  • All submissions must be made via this Google form.
  • All submissions must be original, unpublished, and not under consideration by any other journal.
  • Co-authorship is permitted (maximum of two authors per submission, including the first author).
  • Plagiarism and AI-generated content will be checked rigorously, and any submission found in violation will be rejected without further review. For purposes of plagiarism, the similarity tolerance is 10%.
  • Please include a brief acknowledgement of any research funding received, placed as a short note following the main text. Acknowledgments may be attributed to peers/colleagues and/or other individuals in the same manner too.
  • Non-English words should be italicized, with an English translation provided in the endnotes.
  • Authors are responsible for obtaining necessary permissions for any reproduced images, tables, etc. All figures and tables should be numbered sequentially (e.g., Figure 1, Table 2).
  • Quotations under four lines should be in quotation marks; those exceeding four lines should be set as block quotations with a single line space and indented from the left margin.
  • Submissions should be in MS Word format (.docx or .doc) and named with the title of the paper.
  • Each submission should include a brief abstract (150–200 words).

Formatting Specifications:

●  Title: Times New Roman, Size 14, Bold, ALL CAPS, 1.5 Line Spacing.

●  Main Body: Times New Roman, Size 12, 1.5 Line Spacing, single line space between paragraphs.

●  References: APA Citation Style in footnotes, Times New Roman, Size 10, 1 Line Spacing.

●  Submissions should not contain any author-identifying information to ensure an unbiased review process.

Evaluation Process:

●  Each submission will undergo a double-blind peer review process.

●  Peers will review submissions for:

a.  originality of the questions/problems posed;

b. originality of the solutions/responses to the problem/question;

c.  clarity and integrity of research tools/methods deployed;

d. thoroughness of literature review

Submission Process:

●  Submissions must be submitted here

Review Process:

●  Each submission would go through a double blind peer review process in addition to initial filters of plagiarism and AI checks. 


3rd March, 2025

Contact Details:

Contact us at [email protected]


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