2nd National Virtual Literary Fest 8th and 9th April 2022

Erga Literarium

Erga Literarium, For Literature, is the Literary Club of ICFAI Law School, Hyderabad. It is in charge of all college and student activities directed towards the growth of literature and its multiple facets. 

The Club is credited with holding various intra-college events such as open mics, poetry hour(s), debates and social media sessions among others. 

It also runs the official student magazine which is a bi-monthly publication involving contributions from the students of the law school. This event will be the Club’s Second National Fest since its inception. 

The First National Virtual Literary Fest was organised on 10th and 11th of April, 2021. There were participants from 20 different colleges and participated in around 07 different competitions. A total of around 30,000 cash prizes were distributed. The Club now brings to you the 2nd Virtual National Literary Fest to honor and celebrate Literature.

The Literary Fest

Erga Literarium – For Literature, the Literary Club of ICFAI Law School, Hyderabad, presents its 2nd National Virtual Literary Fest, ‘Erga Literarium – For Literature’ which shall be held on 08 and 09 of April 2022. 

It involves two exciting virtual days with a host of enthralling events lined up. Being the youngest of hosts in this arena, among our peers, we hope to create a niche for ourselves while expecting healthy competition. 


Eligibility for the 2nd Edition of the National Virtual Literary Fest, includes students of Law, aged between 18 – 35 years and enrolled in various UG and PG programs from recognized Colleges and Universities across the country. 

List of Competitions

The 2nd National Virtual Literary Fest, has the following competitions: 

1. No Brainer – Quiz Competition 

Entry Fee:- Rs. 450 

Prize Money for Winners:- Rs. 3500 Prize Money for Runners Up:- Rs. 2000

2. ICFAI Talkies – Short Film Competition Entry Fee:- Rs. 300 

Prize Money for Winners:- Rs. 2500 Prize Money for Runners Up:- Rs. 2000

3. Knock Out – Debate Competition 

Entry Fee:- Rs. 300 

Prize Money for Winners:- Rs. 3000 Prize Money for Runners Up:- Rs. 1500

4. Article Arena – Article Writing Competition Entry Fee:- Rs. 100 

Prize Money for Winner:- Rs. 1500 

Prize Money for Runner Up:- Rs. 750

5. Du Coeur – Poetry Competition 

Entry Fee:- Rs. 100 

Prize Money for Prizes Winner:- Rs. 1500 Prize Money for Runner Up:- Rs. 750 

6. Daastan Goi – Storytelling Competition Entry Fee:- Team:- Rs. 300 

Individual:- Rs. 150 

Prize Money for Team Winners:- Rs. 3000 Prizes for Team Runners-Up:- Rs.1500 Prizes for Individual Winner:- Rs. 1500 Prizes for Runner Up:- Rs. 750 

7. Let’s Talk – Panel Discussion Competition Entry Fee:- Rs. 100 

Prize Money for Winner:- Rs. 1500 

Prize Money for Runner Up:- Rs. 750

8. Young India – Youth Authors Conclave* Entry Fee:- Rs. 500 

*This event is not a competition. It is an opportunity for young and upcoming authors to present their works to our Fest’s audience.

9. Laughter Stage – Stand-Up Comedy Entry Fee:- Rs. 150 

Prize Money for Winner:- Rs. 2000 

Prize Money for Runner Up:- Rs. 1000 10. Lights, Camera, Theatre! – Mono Acting Entry Fee:- Rs. 100 

Prize Money for Winner:- Rs. 1500 

Prize Money for Runner Up:- Rs. 750 

Transfer Details

Entry Fee for the specific competition must be paid via NEFT or RTGS to the following bank account: 

Entry Fee for the specific competition must be paid via NEFT or RTGS to the following bank account: 

Bank Name: ICICI Bank, Nerella House, No. 4 Nagarjuna Hills, Panjagutta, Hyderabad – 500082, Telangana State. 

Account Name: IFHE – Seminars & Workshops A/c 

Account Number: 020201007037 RTGS / NEFT / IFSC Number: ICIC0000202 Branch Code: 202 

Kindly note that there will be no refund of the entry fee once an acknowledgment email is sent by the Organizers.


For Registration- Click Here

Other Information

The brochures containing details of this Fest may be accessed at:
– Long Brochure: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YlEnACAfgHmdhcMDfciyo7N1UfWpKs5E/view?usp=sharing
– Short Brochure: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EfP5kAe0t7jv-5a9ny8NYEpFVEsRH9RP/view?usp=sharing


For any clarifications, please feel free to get in touch with the following Club Representatives: 

Neeharika Neela – +91 83743 26585 Ambadipudi Mahathi – +91 63009 13420 

Faculty Coordinator for the Fest, Ms. Anwesha Panigrahi can be reached at the following address: 

[email protected] 

You may write to us at [email protected] with your valuable suggestions and feedback. 

“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” 

-The Fellowship of the Ring

Also Read

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