Webinar on ‘Draft National Policy for Persons with Disabilities, 2021: Expectations, Assurances and Realities’ | GNLU | 05 July, 2022

About GNLU

Gujarat National Law University (GNLU), Gandhinagar, is one of the premier national law universities of India. The university offers Under Graduate, Post Graduate and Ph.D. Courses in law as well as many interdisciplinary areas. The University is a forerunner in the field of interdisciplinary research. The University has established various centres of excellence to carryout research, training and extension activities

About GCDS

The University established GNLU Centre for Disability Studies (GCDS) with an aim to work for rights of disabled people and promotion of social justice through teaching and research in the interdisciplinary areas of sociology, social work, law and policy. Through curriculum development, research projects and disability studies, the Centre aims to provide meaningful contribution in the areas of disability and human rights, disability and society, accessibility and reasonable accommodations, inclusive education, gender and disability, amongst.

About the Webinar

  • Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India has published Draft National Policy for Persons with Disabilities, 2021 and has invited comments from the public. The existing policy for Persons with Disabilities was adopted in 2006. Since then, a number of developments has taken place in disability sector like signing of UNCRPD by India, enactment of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 and adoption of National Education Policy, 2020. Therefore, the new policy has been framed by the Task Force constituted by the Committee which was constituted to review the 2006 policy and suggest a new draft National Policy.
  • To discuss the new draft policy, GNLU Centre for Disability Studies along with Sruti Disability Rights Centre is organising a webinar titled ‘Draft National Policy for Persons with Disabilities, 2021: Expectations, Assurances and Realities’ to discuss different aspects of the Draft Policy like Sports, Education, Rights of Women with Disabilities, Accessibility etc. for the persons with disabilities.
  • The webinar is scheduled on Tuesday, 05 July, 2022 from 5 P.M. onwards.

Speakers for the webinar

1. Prof. (Dr.) S. Shanthakumar, Director, GNLU

2. Shampa Sengupta, Director, Sruti Disability Rights Centre

3. Mr. Muralidharan, Secretary, National Platform for the Rights of the Disabled, Delhi

4. Ms. Padmini Chennapragada, Ph.D, Disability Sport Researcher

5. Rahul Bajaj, Senior Fellow, Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy

6. Dr. A. Marisport, Head, GCDS

Registration link

Note:- E-Certificate will be provided to all the registered attendees who fill the feedback form after 15 days of the Webinar.

For queries, if any, kindly write to us at [email protected]


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