Virtual Workshop on Transactional Analysis 25th to 31st October 2021 | Centre for Human Resource Development | Himachal Pradesh National Law University, Shimla

About Himachal Pradesh National Law University, Shimla

Established by the State Government in 2016, by an Act of the Legislature (Act 16 of 2016), located in the geographical terrain of the Himalayas, Himachal Pradesh National Law University, Shimla, is the best place for education, developing students, understanding the law and legal system, topographies of law-making, legal practices, and administration.
The institution has attracted an excellent set of teachers from all over India. The University is committed to providing interdisciplinary and practical/application-based legal education keeping in view the requirements of overall developments of its students.
Hon’ble Mr. Justice Ravi Malimath, acting Chief Justice, High Court of Himachal Pradesh is the chancellor and Prof. Dr. Nishtha Jaswal is the vice-chancellor of the university. ‘Yogah Karmasu Koushalam’ meaning ‘to do a skillful is a virtue’ is what the HPNLU family believes in.

About the Workshop

Transactional analysis is an interesting and enlightening paradigm for analyzing our own and other people’s behavior. It provides some extremely valuable insights into the influence of various behavioral types in interpersonal relationships. It includes utilizing knowledge and abilities to recognize and adopt a frame of mind that can decide whether the transaction (i.e., communication) will be effective or not, which has the potential to make or break an interpersonal relationship.
The purpose of this workshop is to increase the participants’ understanding of people themselves and others. It uses the theoretical and practical application of Transactional Analysis to explain why people behave as they do. It will also help the participants understand why some people ‘communicate’ the way they do, and why some people go around in circles, going nowhere. In addition, it will also help participants understand interpersonal relationships and conflict management for better individual and team effectiveness.
This workshop aims to elaborate on the various concepts of TA to help individuals build better interpersonal skills in order to avoid conflicts in any environment.

Objectives of the Workshop

● To equip the participants with basic concepts of Transactional analysis
● To augment self-awareness, spontaneity, and capacity for intimacy
● To help participants understand interpersonal relationships and conflict management for better teamwork & personal effectiveness.
● To use transactional analysis as a medium to develop effective communication and an environment for collective growth.

Who may Participate?

• Students.
• Research Scholars.
• Academicians.
• Professionals working in or for organizations.

Significance of the Workshop

“Human resource isn’t a thing we do, it’s the thing that runs our business” — Steve Wynee, Business Magnet
Upon reflecting on the quote, while perusing decades of literature on psychology and management, one truly grasps the groundbreaking significance of Human Resources (HR). It is the summation of knowledge, skills, creative abilities, talents, and aptitudes of a workforce that has incredible significance in the cardinal development and overall progress of an organization. But unlike other resources employed by an organization, HR, driven by individual behavior that ultimately guides organization behavior, poses a significant challenge to an organization in its continuous, effective, and harmonious development. In this regard, it is worthwhile to note that the COVID-19 pandemic has only exacerbated this issue and has brought to the fore not only a peculiar way of living, but also a variety of new issues which affect HR, and thus, the organization. In order to avoid such precarious situations, managers have a medley of different management tools at their disposal. One such tool is Transactional Analysis.
The pandemic brought to bear an unprecedented era where the working environment (and culture) of organizations have seem to have gone through a drastic change. This change— without fail—has also significantly impacted the Human Resources working therewith; and calls for organizations to conduct a meticulous examination of these changes. So, in light of the aforesaid, in this workshop, we will seek to provide an adept analysis that will help both the management and the employees, by bridging that vacuum that this virtual age has brought on.
The gap in the relationship, be it between vertical levels or horizontal ones, must be addressed both while this pandemic continues, and when things start going back to the new normal, for it, will directly influence the dynamics of an organization environment, wherein the tool in question can be used to understand each other, the highest form of love that humans can offer. Be it an employee empathizing with their client, or a colleague welcoming another feeling not so homely in the workplace as they did in front of their screens, Transactional Analysis can be used by anyone who looks to be considerate enough to provide a safe place for their employees, colleagues, or clients, something that differentiates few great organizations from a lot of good ones.

Registration Fees

• For research scholars/ academicians : 1000 (INR)
• UG students: 500 (INR)

Registration Links

Registration form: Click Here
Payment link: Click Here

Instructions to the Participants

• The participants are required to attach the screenshot of successful payment in the registration form.
• The workshop shall be conducted through the Cisco WebEx platform and the link will be provided before the session begins.
• The candidates before joining any programme ensure proper internet connectivity and data usage of about 3GB per day to have live streaming of all sessions.
• E-certificate will be issued to the participants on successful completion of the course.
Attendance is mandatory for all sessions, failing which certificates shall not be given.
• Intimation of selection to the participants shall be given through e-mail.
• The details of the schedule of the workshop will be intimated to all the participants through email after the registration process.

Important Dates

Workshop Date 25th– 31st October 2021
Registration deadline 22nd October 2021
Confirmation of registration 23rd October 2021


Prof. (Dr.) Nishtha Jaswal
Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, HPNLU, Shimla
Prof. (Dr.) S.S. Jaswal
Registrar, HPNLU, Shimla

Dr. Deepika Gautam
Director CHRD, HPNLU, Shimla

Dr. Praveen Kumar
Co-ordinator CHRD, HPNLU, Shimla
Ms. Esha Sharma
Co-coordinator CHRD, HPNLU, Shimla

Abhinav Anand
Convener CHRD, HPNLU, Shimla
Kanav Sood
Co-convener CHRD, HPNLU, Shimla

Sanchit Sharma
Soudamini Sharma
Vernika Banyal
Shubham Mahajan
Nishchal Thakur
Manaswini Dube
Shivam Sarin
Vaibhav Gupta
Ayushman Chauhan

For Any Queries, Please Contact

Dr. Praveen Kumar
Assistant Professor and Co-coordinator CHRD, HPNLU, Shimla
Email: [email protected]
Contact no.: 7831018877

Soudamini Sharma
Student member CHRD, HPNLU, Shimla
Email: [email protected]
Contact no.: 9682535398

Manaswini Dube
Student member CHRD, HPNLU, Shimla
Email: [email protected]
Contact no.: 8219631465

For brochure click here.


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