‘Vidhwata’ Legal Fest | L.J. School of Law | Prizes worth Rs. 4 lakhs | Register by Feb 10, 2023

About L.J. School of Law

The Lok Jagruti Kendra’s idea behind starting the school of Law is not just to produce degree holders in law but to produce Lawyers who would practice in courts of law. In view of the globalized scenario, the institute’s thrust areas would be cybercrime, forensic law, legal communications, skill acquisitions in interpreting and applying laws, and Public law including public interest litigations besides full-time faculty, the institute has plans for large-scale involvement of eminent lawyers practicing in local courts, High Courts and Supreme Court.
The institute also proposes to introduce a pedagogical innovation – “Lawyer on wheels”- under which the students will go to interior villages for creating legal awareness as well as for providing legal help to the socially and economically backward classes. The institute will provide a unique learning experience to the students.

About Vidhwata 

‘Vidhwata’ is a law fest hosted and organized by L J School of Law. It is a platform where law students can explore their legal understanding acquired through studies within the classroom and step towards conquering the world with the immense knowledge they possess. 
It provides an ideal surrounding for the students of various colleges to showcase their legal talents. It endeavors to bring together the creativity and intellect of youth. 
LJSL has put forward ‘Vidhwata’ with the strong belief that every individual has immense potential, we just need to unleash it, and hence here we are with a combination of events where students can showcase a bunch of skills possessed by them and very much needed to be an eminent lawyer. The journey towards being a legend can be the best with the guidance of path makers who themselves are leading in their respective fields now and ‘Vidhwata’ is a platform where talent of budding lawyers will be judged by legal Luminaries, Judges of the supreme court and high courts and senior advocates and members of the fraternity. 
Vidhwata is a tribute to our respected and beloved Director-LJSL, Late Sr. Adv. Shri Girish  Patel Sir who has always inspired thousands of lives through his immense legal knowledge and worked towards the upliftment of the underprivileged. This is extention of four successful hosting of National Law Fest ‘Vidhwata’ where we received overwhelming responses through enthusiastic participation from across the Nation. 

About the Competitions 

We at L J School of Law, believe in the strength of the non-conventional methods for imparting legal knowledge and hence we are focusing on such inevitable aspects to be a successful lawyer i.e. Representations- oral as well as written along with a spontaneous and witty response to query raised. Moot Court where focus would be on oral and written  representations, Parliamentary Debate focuses on argumentative skills in the Law making process, Client  Counselling focuses on interviewing and analytical skills in the lawyer-client relationship.

Important Dates

INAUGURATION24th February 2023
NATIONAL MOOT COURT COMPETITION24th, 25th & 26th February, 2023 


The Competitions will be held in English only.


Competition is restricted to bona fide regular students of Law school/College/University. All participants must be students of 3 year/5 year law course in the academic year 2021-22


Registration form (as per participation) given on page no. 30,31 & 32 duly signed by participants and the principal of the concerned college should be attached to the Google Form with the proof of payment of online registration charges.

Registration Fees (Without Accommodation)

Registration forms duly signed by participants and the principal of the concerned college should be attached to the Google Form with the proof of payment of online registration charges.

National Moot Court CompetitionRS. 3500/- per team
Parliamentary DebateRS. 2000/- per team
National Client Counselling CompetitionRS. 2000/- per team

Early Bird Registration (Before 31st January 2022)

National Moot Court CompetitionRS. 3,000/- per team
Parliamentary DebateRS. 1,500/- per team
National Client Counselling CompetitionRS. 1,500/- per team

Payment Mode Details (Online Transfer)

  • IFSC CODE: ICIC0001369
  • A/C NO: 136901000844

For Accommodation Fees, visit the link given at the end of the post.
You have to pay total amount for Registration fees per event + accommodation charges (as per your selection) in a single transaction and upload the form given on page no. 33
For example: if a team is taking part in Moot Court and Client Counselling competitions and selecting Deluxe accommodation then total amount payable will be as under:
Moot Court Registration fees Rs 3500+ Client Counselling Registration Fees Rs 2000+ Deluxe Accommodation for 3 persons for 3 days ( 1500x3x3 = 13,500) so, total will be Rs 19,000.

NOTE: No individual student can take part in more than two events.

Awards and Rewards

Moot Court Competition:

  • Winner – College Trophy and Individual Trophies, Rs.1,00,000/-, Certificate to each team member
  • First Runner-up – College Trophy and Individual Trophies, Rs.50,000/-, Certificate to each team member
  • Second Runner-up – College Trophy and Individual Trophies, Rs.25,000/-, Certificate to each team member
  • Best Mooter – Individual Trophy, Rs.10,000/-, Certificate to each team member
  • Best Memorial – Individual Trophy, Rs.10,000/-, Certificate to each team member

Parliamentary Debate:

  • Winner – College Trophy and Individual Trophies, Rs.50,000/-, Certificate to each team member
  • First Runners-up – College Trophy and Individual Trophies, Rs.30,000/-, Certificate to each team member
  • Second Runners-up – College Trophy and Individual, Rs 20,000/-, Certificate to each team member Trophies
  • Best Speaker – Trophy, Rs. 10,000/-, Certificate to each team member

Client Counselling:

  • Winner – College Trophy and Individual Trophies, Rs.50,000/-, Certificate to each team member
  • First Runners-up – College Trophy and Individual Trophies, Rs.30,000/-, Certificate to each team member
  • Second Runners-up – College Trophy and Individual Trophies, Rs 10,000/-, Certificate to each team member
  • Best Counsel – Trophy, Rs. 10,000/- Certificate to each team member.

Important Dates

  • Registration Deadline – February 10, 2023
  • Dates of the Fest – February 24, 25 and 26, 2023

Contact details

  • Organizing Committee:
  • Dr. Dinesh Awasthi, Vice Chancellor, LJKU
  • CS. Chaitali Jani, Director (I/C), L J School of Law, +91 98255 55613
  • Event Coordinators 
  • Dr. Ripal Gupta Asst. Prof. L J School of Law | +91 9924117449
  • Asst. Prof. Kritika Dev L J School of Law | +91 9772561209
  • Student Coordinators 
  • Bhavik Shah 9824085443
  • Jeet Patel 8460882859 
  • Avantika Bachhawat 9615012600 
  • Sumidha Sinha 8160983564 
  • Tanisha Goel 9512121883

For any queries you may write to them at: [email protected]

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