Submission Guidenlines by Jindal Digest for Competition & Innovation Laws.


​The Jindal Digest for Competition and Innovation Laws is a student edited, interdisciplinary, legal blog which aims to provide an expansive view of the contemporary developments in antitrust, intellectual property and technology law. Through this forum, we aim to fill in a critical lacuna by providing accessible, yet quality-driven literature focusing on the rapid legal developments in this sphere.


1) The JDCIL blog accepts original submissions on a rolling basis pertaining to Competition Law, Technology Law, and Intellectual Property Rights.
 2) Submissions must be made in a Microsoft Word doc format, written in English, be clear and concise. 
 3) Submissions may be in the form of:
       a) an article of 1250-1500 words;
Note : An article submission will be considered for submission only if it consists of a primary thesis/argument. Any submission that is wholly descriptive and lacking in any novel argument will be ineligible for publication.
       b) a book review of up to 750 words;
       c) a note (1000 words); or
       d) a case review and summary of up to 1000 words. 
Note : A book review, note or case review must be on a topic or issue that has contemporary relevance in relation to the subject matter(s) that this platform deals with. Any submission that relates to well-settled principles of law which have not seen any recent jurisprudential developments shall be ineligible for publication.
4) Pieces can also be published as multi-part series, if the content of the submission justifies the same. 
5) Submissions must adhere to the following formatting requirements 
      a) Font size 12-point, single spaced.
     b) Wherever statutes, case laws, academic works, or any other sources are being used, in-text hyperlinks must be provided.
       c) Citations must be endnotes, not footnotes. Citation must be in a common and consistent style. 
       d) Title can consist of no more than 12 words.
6) Co-authorship is permitted up to a maximum of two people.
7) All work shared on the JDCIL blog may be cross-posted, subject to the condition that this includes an acknowledgement that JDCIL originally published the piece (in submitting a post, authors are agreeing to this).
8) All submissions must contain at least five relevant keywords, to be listed separately at the end of the submission document.
9) Any students’ contributions will only be considered if submitted via this form. Please do not share contributions via email. 
10) The editorial team will respond to all applicants within 7-days.​

For more details please click here.


All efforts are made to ensure the accuracy and correctness of the information published at Legally Flawless. However, Legally Flawless shall not be responsible for any errors caused due to oversight or otherwise. The users are advised to check the information themselves.

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