Submission Guidelines | Philosophy Club NLUD

About the Organization

The Philosophy Club, NLU Delhi started out as an informal space for our batchmates to discuss interesting questions and issues relating to philosophy. Upon realizing the value (and indeed, necessity) for law students to develop critical thought and meaningfully engage in discourse, we embarked upon a mission to create an institutionalized club for the promotion of philosophy and various philosophical activities.

In pursuing this mission, we have conducted various discussions on a host of fundamental philosophical texts and ideas, hosted lecture series by leading academics, disseminated easily accessible learning resources and notes, and much more. We also publish an Annual Newsletter, which contains a report of our activities and the best articles we received for submission on the Blog.

In running this Blog, our aim is to create a platform for students – and anyone else who may be interested – to share their thoughts on any issues relating to philosophy. The word ‘philosophy’ literally means “a love for wisdom”, and that is what we aim to cultivate, or at least take a part in cultivating, across the law schools of our country.

For all submissions, kindly adhere to this style guide:

Font: Times New Roman

Size: 12

Line Spacing: 1.5

Alignment: Justified

Word Limit: There is no hard word limit. However, the authors are requested to keep their articles between 800 to 2000 words. Any submissions longer than that shall preferably be submitted as two or more separate pieces.

Citation Style: APA 7 <>

Here is a good citation tool that may help you with the references: <>

Kindly send all submissions to [email protected] in “.docx” format with the subject “Blog submission” with a few lines of details about the author in the text of the mail. Our team will get back to you at the earliest with remarks and substantive comments, if any.


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