Online Certificate Course on Legislative Drafting by NLIU-Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy: Register by 14th April 2024.

The Centre for Parliamentary Studies (CPS) at NLIU Bhopal is offering a certificate course on legislative drafting in collaboration with Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy. The course is to be organized from 17th April to 19th April 2024 on a virtual platform. The instructors during the course shall be experts from the field of legislative drafting.

About NLIU, Bhopal

NLIU is amongst the nation’s premier law schools. The University constantly strives to enhance the legal landscape of the country. It aims to contribute towards national development by instilling a sense of responsibility within the student community while at the same time cultivating a spirit of intellectual freedom, qualities of leadership and imaginative power.

About the Centre for Parliamentary Studies

The Centre has been established with the objective of promoting advanced learning in constitutional law, public policy research, and legislative drafting. CPS seeks to engage itself in academic discourse and research projects on contemporary public policy issues. The Centre also aims to become an instrumental organization in the holistic development of the Indian legal system by aiding the participants in acquainting themselves with important aspects of the profession.

About the Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy

The Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy (‘Vidhi’) is an independent think-tank doing legal research to make better laws and improve governance for the public good. We do this through high quality, peer reviewed original legal research; through engaging with the Government of India, State governments and other public institutions to both inform policy-making and to effectively convert
policy into law; and through strategic litigation petitioning courts on important law and policy issues. Our abiding values are non-partisan engagement, research excellence and independence.

About NLIU-Vidhi Online Certificate Course on Legislative Drafting

The Certificate Course on Legislative Drafting is being offered by the National Law Institute University (NLIU), Bhopal in collaboration with the Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy. This online certificate course on Legislative Drafting, in the context of India’s law, policy and unique experiences, aims to introduce students to legislative drafting by exposing them to various ideas and the opportunity to discuss them from the learned resource persons.

The course will focus on various aspects of legislative drafting. It will offer an introduction to the traditional principles of legislative drafting, such as legislative style and the components of a Bill. Modern techniques of legislative drafting, including the usage of plain language will also be discussed along with the Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy’s initiative to draft Simple, Accessible, Rational and Actionable Laws (SARAL). Ultimately, the course will acquaint students with the process of turning a policy idea into a piece of legislation that is clear, concise, and legally effective.

By attending, participants will benefit from extensive and cutting-edge insights on these subjects from academic experts and practitioners, providing an opportunity to challenge their prior knowledge and preparing them for forthcoming challenges of the field of legislative drafting.

Registration and Payment Details

The registration amount for the course is Rs. 100/- for both students and professionals. The last date to register for the course is 14th April 2024.

Note: Kindly attach the screenshot of the payment in the Google Form given in the registration link.

Registration Link

Click Here to Register!

Payment Link

Click Here to Pay!

Contact Details

In case of facing difficulty in registration or for any queries, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] or +91 9644755530 (Rounak Doshi).

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