National Essay Writing Competition | St. Joseph’s College of Law | Online; No Fee | Prizes worth Rs. 8k | Register by Sept 15

The National Essay Writing Competition is organized by the Law and Gender committee of St. Joseph’s College of Law on “Should we all be feminists”. The aim of the competition is to introduce students to the idea of feminism and help students delve deeper into the need for feminism in present-day India.

Eligibility Criteria 

Participation is restricted to the bona fide – registered students only (for registration check the google form link attached at the end of the post).

Location & Mode

It is applicable to colleges across India. The event will be conducted online.


There will be no participation fee for the competition.

Pattern of the Competition 

The essay writing competition should be on the topic “Should we all be Feminists? “

  1.  Maximum word limit – 1500 words.
  2.  The language should be English only.
  3. The essay should be typed in times new roman, 12 size with double spacing. 
  4.  The handwritten essays will not be accepted.
  5.   The essay should be the original work of the student and it should not be copied from anywhere.
  6.  The writing should not have grammatical errors as well as overlapping of contents.
  7.  There should be structural coherence.
  8. The introduction and conclusion of the essay should be proper and rational.
  9. The evaluation will be made on the basis of content, coverage, facts, writing spirit inclined towards the topic, and logical presentation with due rationale. 
  10. The decision of the Jury shall be final & binding on all the participants. 
  11. The essay should be submitted in the registration google form only and no other form of registration will be accepted. 
  12. The Institute’s decision regarding the interpretation of rules or any other matter relating to the competition will be final.
  13.  If there is any situation not contemplated in the rules, the decision of the Institute shall be final.


The last date of registration is September 15, 2022, & the last date for submission is September 22, 2022No submission will be accepted thereafter.


An eminent jury comprising two judges shall be constituted to adjudge the top two essays submitted by the registered students on or before the due date.


To attract larger participation, it is proposed to introduce cash awards for the winners, which are as follows:

  • Winner: INR 5000
  • Runners Up: INR 3000

The Winners shall be selected through the competition and will be given awards & certificates (e-certificates) at the end of the competition. All other participants taking part in the competition will also receive an e-certificate for participation.

  • Ms. Lakshana Raghavan, Student Coordinator: +91 99457 41801 
  • Ms. Khushi Verma, Student Coordinator: +91 80503 78554



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