National Essay writing Competition by School of Agricultural Law and Economics (SALE).

About the Organization

School of Agricultural Law and Economics (SALE) is a Centre of excellence established with an object to provide a platform for multidimensional analysis of the agricultural sector in connotation to legal, social, political and cultural paradigms.

About the Event

SALE (School of Agriculture Law & Economics), RGNUL, brings to you the 4th edition of its flagship program, National Essay writing Competition on the broad theme of “Agricultural Law, Policies & practices in India”.


Students, Scholars, or Academicians pursuing any degree or course from any recognized university can participate in the competition.


Agricultural law, policies and practices in India: A multi-dimensional perspective.


1. Prospects of Contract Farming in India

2. Indian Agricultural Policies vis-a-vis IntergovernmentalOrganizations

3. Farm Laws in India: An Analysis

4. Agricultural Practices in India vis-a-vis Climate Change: AnAnalysis

5. Moving Beyond the Crop: Alternatives to Increase Farmers’Income

Please Note: The above-mentioned list for sub-themes is merely illustrative and not exhaustive and hence any other submission pertinent to the theme shall be accorded consideration.

Registration Fee

No registration fee required.


• ist Prize: Rs. 2,500 (Rupees Two Thousand Five HundredOnly)

• 2nd Prize: Rs. 1,500 (Rupees One Thousand Five HundredOnly)

• 3rd Prize: Rs. 1,000 (Rupees One thousand Only)

E – Certificate of appreciation shall be awarded to the top entries of the competition.

Submission Guidelines

1. The essays must be submitted in English only.

2. The essays should be the original work of the authors. Anykind of plagiarism will lead to disqualification.

3. The essays published elsewhere or selected/submitted forpublication elsewhere shall be disqualified.

4. The name(s) of the author(s) should not be mentionedanywhere in the essay.

5. The word limit for the essay is 2500 4000 words, notincluding footnotes.

6. The essays should be typed in Times New Roman, Font Size12 and Line Spacing 1.5, justified.

7. The footnotes must be typed in Times New Roman, FontSize 10 and Line Spacing 1.

8. The margins should be 1″ or 2.54 cm on all sides.

9. Every citation must follow the Harvard Bluebook,20th Edition.

10. Co-authorship up to 2 authors is permitted.

Submission Procedure

1. The essays must be sent by email to [email protected] withthe subject 4th NATIONAL ESSAY WRITINGCOMPETITION.

2. The body of the e-mail must specify the name(s) of theauthor(s).

3. The essay must be attached in .doc’ or .docx’ and Pdfformat.

4. The participants are required to send the following details in a separate word document attached to the e-mail:

a. Sub-Theme Chosen

b. Title of the Essay

c. Name(s) of the Author(s)

d.College/Institute/University of Author(s)

e. Programme Enrolled & Year of Study of Author(s)

f. E-mail address & Contact No. of Author(s).


Last date of submission is 10th October 2021.

Contact Details

For any queries, please contact :

Vashisht (+91 8360801339) – Convenor, SALE

• Harsheeta Rai Sharma (+916280388466) – StudentCoordinator, SALE

Jyoti Jindal (+918360148657) – Student Coordinator, SALE

Email: [email protected]


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