Call for Submissions by Students for the Promotion of International Law (SPIL) | GLC Mumbai

About Call for Blogs

Students for the Promotion of International Law (SPIL), Mumbai (hereinafter organisation) is calling all passionate and enthusiast writers for submissions of blogs to be showcased on our official website!

The SPIL Blog strives to provide a platform for insightful discourse on international law and related fields with insightful and well-researched content that align with the organisation’s mission to promote the understanding and advancement of International Law.

Seize this opportunity to share your insights with a wider audience and become a part of their vibrant community!

About GLC, Mumbai

Government Law College enjoys the distinction of being the oldest law school in Asia and has, since its inception in 1855, played a seminal role in the evolution of the legal and judicial landscape of India. Any discussion of India’s legal system and culture today is incomplete without a mention of Government Law College, Mumbai. Looking back over the years, one realises the immeasurable role this pioneering law institution has played in the judicial, political and historical life of India. Government Law College, with its illustrious history and a heritage spanning over a century and a half, has nurtured some of the greatest minds of today, not only in the field of law but in various other walks of life. The generations of distinguished legal luminaries who have been nurtured by this unique institution, have made a seminal contribution globally, to the evolution of the legal fraternity.

About SPIL, Mumbai

In an increasingly integrated world with growing trans-national interactions, the significance of International Law has never been greater. SPIL Mumbai, strive towards taking legal studies to an empirical level and promoting law as an area of enquiry and study far beyond the realms of classrooms.

This student-based organisation of Government Law College, Mumbai offers a dynamic platform for students passionate about international law by conducting quizzes, insightful guest lectures, providing analysis of research papers, books, judgments, etc. SPIL organises the Intra and Mumbai Judgment Deliberation Competition (JDC), Treaty Appreciation Competition (TAC) Mumbai, National Legal Article Writing Competition (NLAWC) and the renowned International Law Summit. The Summit comprises of JDC, TAC, Panel Discussion and the publication of International Law Journal.

Additionally, SPIL has successfully organised several events, including a lecture on the working of the International Criminal Court by Professor William Burke White of the University of Pennsylvania, a Model United Nations – Student Exchange Program with students at the School of International Relations, Tehran.


Submissions are open to all graduate students, professors, industry practitioners, academicians, and research scholars. Submissions from individuals other than the given criteria will be considered at the discretion of the organisation.


Any topic of international relevance.

Awards and Merit

Author (s) whose work is selected shall have their blogs published on the official website

Author (s) shall receive an E-Certificate of Publication.

Submission Guidelines

  • Submissions co-authored by two individuals shall be accepted.
  • Both co-authored and single submissions shall be treated as separate entries. Submissions falling into both categories shall be disqualified.
  • The submissions should be the original and unpublished work of the author (s). The plagiarism limit is 15-20% (excluding footnotes). Any submission beyond the plagiarism limit shall be disqualified.
  • No part of the submission must contain any form of identification of the author (s), such as the author’s name, university/college name, etc. Inclusion of any form of identification may result in disqualification.
  • Submissions must be written in UK English.
  • The word limit for each submission is between 1000 and 1500 words, inclusive of footnotes and bibliography. Longer submissions may be published in a series upon consideration.
  • The submission must include an Introduction, with the maximum limit of 150 words, exclusive of the overall submission word limit. The introduction should clearly indicate the theme of the submission.
  • Citations and footnotes must follow the Harvard Bluebook (20th edition) referencing style. All the sources shall be hyperlinked.
  • Avoid the use of extensive footnotes or quotations. It is acceptable to reference or paraphrase thoughts and ideas from standard works without using quotations, provided proper acknowledgement is given in footnotes or other suitable methods.
  • The submissions must be sent by email to [email protected] with the subject “Blog Submission.”
  • The submission must be attached in either .doc’ or ‘.docx’ format.
  • The submission must be accompanied by a separate document containing the following information about the author (s):
    1. Full Name of the Author (s)
    1. Chosen Theme & Sub-topic
    1. Title of the Blog
    1. Name and Address of College/Institute/University
    1. Programme Enrolled & Current Year of Study
    1. Email Address & Contact Number of the Author (s)
    1. A brief bio of Author (s) in 5-6 lines
  • Submissions shall be reviewed by the editorial team. The review process may take up to 2-3 weeks, and author (s) shall be notified of the decision via email.
  • The submission must not be submitted for any other competition and/or for any other purposes.

Formatting Guidelines

  • Main Body:
    1. Font: Times New RomanFont Size: 12
  • Line Spacing: 1.5
  • Footnotes:
    • Font: Times New Roman
    • Font Size: 10
  • Line Spacing: 1.0
  • Margins:
  • All margins should be set to 1 inch or 2.54 cm on all sides.


  • By submitting the blog, author (s) agree to indemnify the organisation against all claims, suits, and damages based on allegations of copyright infringement, plagiarism, or unauthorised use. Any proven copyright infringement/plagiarism will result in automatic disqualification.
  • The organisation retains the right to recall the publication e-certificate if it is later discovered that the submission suffered from copyright infringement/plagiarism.
  • The submission shall be considered the property of SPIL, Mumbai, which reserves the right to publish it as deemed appropriate.
  • The administration of the blogs publication, including determining the eligibility of author (s) or submissions, evaluation of submissions, and awarding of prizes, is within the sole and absolute discretion of the organisation.
  • In situations not explicitly covered by the rules, the organisation’s decision shall be final and binding.

Contact Details

For any further queries please feel free to write to us at [email protected]. OR contact us at: Anuja: +91 96732 34487


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