Call For Papers | The Transnational Journal of Aviation and Space Laws|CASL, NUJS, Kolkata


The Transnational Journal of Aviation and Space Laws (TJASL) is a biannual peer-reviewed academic publication, which aims to provide a forum for the publication of articles in the fields of aviation and space laws, written primarily by experts across the globe. Inter-disciplinary works, such as law and policy interface or law and international relations, are welcome. The Journal admits submissions on a rolling basis. We welcome submissions from academics, practitioners and experts and have a strong preference for articles that are not descriptive but prescriptive and argumentatively focused. Undergraduate and postgraduate students need to be associated with an expert to consider their submissions for publication. The submissions will go through a two-staged peer review process and if necessary, will also be edited by the Editorial Board. Submissions may be made under the categories mentioned below:

* Articles:                         5000 – 10000 words

* Short Notes:                  3000 – 5000 words

* Book Reviews:               1500 – 2000 words

Note to the Authors

The prescribed word limits are inclusive of footnotes. However the longer articles shall be considered subject to the approval of the Editorial Board. Submissions are expected to conform to the guidelines listed below. Kindly go through them carefully before mailing your submissions. We promptly acknowledge the receipt of submissions, and a decision on publication takes a minimum of 6 – 8 weeks.

The authors are entirely responsible for accuracy of facts and citations. Though the editors would seek clarifications on contentious issues found by them, the journal does not have the staff to check the accuracy of all facts, quotations and citations; therefore this must remain as the sole responsibility of the author. It is also the sole responsibility of the author to ensure that their contributions are free from plagiarism and copyright violation.

Submission Guidelines
  • Submissions are to be made in electronic form and should be sent to [email protected]
  • Each contribution is expected to be accompanied by an abstract of not more than 300 words. The abstract must highlight the importance of the issue, main arguments and the conclusions of the article.
  • Author/s name should be mentioned below the title of the manuscript. Details of author’s qualifications and institutional affiliation should be provided in the footnotes. Please note that we will take care to remove all author details during the process of blind peer review.
  • Joint authorship is permissible only to the extent of two authors.
  • By submitting the article, the author is presumed to undertake a declaration to the effect that the article has not been published, submitted or accepted for publication elsewhere.
  • Acceptance of the submissions for publication is solely based on the Editors’ discretion. It is not mandatory for the Editorial Board to inform the author(s) the grounds for rejection of the submission made.
Style and Formatting Guidelines
  • Format:         The submissions must be in MS Word (.doc) format. All submissions must be in Times New Roman with 1.5 spacing. Main text should be in the font size 12 and footnotes should in font size 10.
  • Titles:            The main title must be centered and typed in bold capitals. The section titles must be in small capitals (without bold). The sub-titles must be in “Capitalize Each Word” with bold at the first level and “Capitalize Each Word” without bold at the second level. The titles and sub-titles must be uniform, concise and descriptive.
  • Quotations:    Quotations should be clearly indicated and should always be accurate. Use double inverted commas for quotations and single inverted comma for quotations within quotations. Where the quotation runs more than forty words it should be typed as a separate paragraph and indented without using quotation marks.

Use of quotations must be limited and opted only when it is indispensable.

  • Foreign words:     Foreign words not currently absorbed into the English language should be italicized, e.g., inter aliabona fideet alad hoc etc. Don’t use italics unnecessarily.
  • References:    Authors should use footnotes and not endnotes/references. Contributors are requested to adhere to the following footnote system.

For more details click here.


All efforts are made to ensure the accuracy and correctness of the information published at Legally Flawless. However, Legally Flawless shall not be responsible for any errors caused due to oversight or otherwise. The users are advised to check the information themselves.

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