Call for Papers | Right to Equality Conference 2.0: Contemporary Challenges by Institute of Law, Nirma University | Submit Abstract by Feb. 22nd

Poster ICRE 2.0 1

About the University

Founded on the vision of Dr Karsanbhai K Patel the Institute of Law, Nirma University (ILNU), established in 2007, focuses on bringing about a paradigm shift in the delivery of legal education in the country. It aims to add newer dimensions in legal education that would incorporate international standards and provide an environment for innovation and dynamic scholarship. Embodying the principles of justice education, excellence, and professionalism, ILNU imparts quality legal education that has produced new generation lawyers, leaders, and policymakers over the years.

About the Conference

The Institute of Law, Nirma University is organising an International Conference on ‘Right to Equality: Contemporary Challenges’ on March 15 and 16, 2024 in a hybrid mode. Right to Equality is one of the basic interests of the social human recognising the equal dignity and liberty of all. The basic right of humans to equal treatment has arisen out of centuries of continued existence in social categories and hierarchies that have ensured the dominion of the dominant over the other. Hence, modern constitutions, by recognising right to equality, have been pursuing a transformative goal of achieving greater dignity for all. The formal promise and enforcement of equality through constitutional provisions might not always be enough. This conference is aimed to initiate new discourses and continue the existing conversations on the furtherance of right to equality, especially in the light of the contemporary developments across jurisdictions.


  • The conference is open to Academicians, Practitioners and law students and students of social sciences. The conference will be held in the hybrid mode.
  • The participants may participate either in the online or offline mode. University shall provide accommodation, on request for which separate payment has to be made.


  1. Equality of Status 
  • Rule of law and Tyranny of Majority 
  • Gender Justice and Equality 
  • Minority Rights 
  • Fraternity and Secularism
  1. Equality of Opportunity 
  • Affirmative Action 
  • Reservation 
  • Reservation for the Economically Weaker Sections 
  1. Equality of Access
  • Access to Economic Resources 
  • Access to Political Representation 
  • Access to Environment Resources
  • Access to Effective Legal Remedies
  1. Social Equality 
  • LGBTQIA+ Rights 
  • Discrimination in Private Spaces
  • Equality of Civil Rights
  • Social Justice Movements and Equality 
  1. Equality and Foundational Values 
  • Liberty and Equality
  • Freedom and Equality 
  • Justice and Equality 
  • Constitutionalism and Equality 
  1. Challenges to Right to Equality 

This includes challenges of achieving equality in areas of: 

  • Religion 
  • Indigenous rights 
  • Violence 
  • Disability and Ableism 
  • Citizenship  

Submission Categories

  • Long Articles (4000 to 7000 words): The article must be a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of a contemporary issue of the theme and should include reference to a range of sources and contributions in the form of alternatives and suggestions. 
  • Short Articles (2000 to 4000 words): The articles must be an analysis of a contemporary issue of the theme and include a reference to a range of sources and contributions in the form of alternatives and suggestions. 
  • Case Commentary (2000 to 4000 words): The comment must be an analysis of a recent judgement, brining out its relevance in light of the development of right to equality, views expressed in the judgement and opinions(s) of the author(s). 
  • Legislative Comments (2000 to 4000 words): The comment must be a critical analysis of a recent amendment, legislative report, notification, or a new enactment pertaining to right to equality and must include the views of the author(s). 

Registration Fees

Sr No.Registration CategoryAmount (Indian citizens)Amount (Foreign National)
1. Academician and ProfessionalsSingle Author: Rs 2000/Co-authorship: Rs 3000/80USD
2. Research Scholars and StudentsSingle Author: Rs 2000/Co-authorship: Rs 2000/40USD
3. Faculty (Nirma University) Single Author: Rs 1000/Co-authorship: Rs 1500/
4. Research Scholars and Students (Nirma University)Single Author: Rs 500/Co-authorship: Rs 700/

Submission Guidelines

  • Submissions are expected to be an original work of the author(s) and meet high academic standards. 
  • There must be an abstract (250-300 words) which briefly describes the idea behind the submission, its structure, and the authors’ conclusion(s). It must include the novelty and usefulness of the idea that the author wishes to put forth and must categorically mention the specific contribution of the article beyond the existing available literature; 
  • A submission will not be accepted if it has been plagiarized.
  •  Co-authorship is permissible only up to a maximum of two authors. However, co-authorship is not allowed for Case Comments and Legislative Comments.
  • The abstract and paper shall be shared in MS-Word format with the file name <Abstract/Manuscript_Name of Author_ICRE2.0>
  • The abstract and final paper along with keywords shall be mailed to [email protected] with the subject <Submission for International Conference on Right to Equality>.
  •  The decision of the screening committee regarding the selection of the paper for the Conference shall be final and binding.
  • Upon selection of the abstract, the participants shall register by paying the prescribed registration fee. The mode of payment of the registration fees shall be notified in due course. 
  • The papers selected at the end of the conference shall be published with EBC in a collected volume.

Formatting Guidelines

  • The title must be Times New Roman, Font Size 14, in CAPITALS, Bold, aligned CENTRE;
  •  The body of the manuscript should be in Times New Roman, Font Size 12, and 1.5-line spacing, automatic spacing between paragraphs and aligned JUSTIFIED; 
  • The footnotes should be in Times New Roman, Font Size 10, single line spacing and aligned JUSTIFIED; 
  • A margin of 1 inch shall be left on all sides.
  • The Citation style shall be Bluebook 20th edition.
  • The abstract and the paper shall be shared in MS-Word format with the file name <Abstract/Manuscript_Name of Author_ICRE 2.0>. 

Important Dates

Particulars Date
Submission of Abstract22nd February, 2024 (Extended)
AcceptanceWithin 48 hours of submission
Submission of Final Paper 5th March, 2024 (Extended)
Last date of Registration & Payment 10th March, 2024
Dates of the Conference 15th – 16th March, 2024


Hybrid: Both offline and online

Contact Information

  • Email – [email protected]
  • Netra Singhmar (Convenor) – +91-9530299542
  • Vanshika Mathur (Co-Convenor) – +91-8559960958
  • Arusha Mishra (Secretary) – +91-7398951281

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