Call for Papers | National Webinar on Law & Economics | March 06, 2022


Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University (GGSIPU) is first University established in 1998 by Govt. of NCT of Delhi under the provisions of Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University Act, 1998 read with its Amendment in 1999 The University is recognized by University Grants Commission (UGC), India under section 12B of UGC Act. University School of Law and Legal Studies envisages advancement of institutional expertise in the area of legal research and education by augmenting academic and professional excellence, developing critical and relentless engagement with legal theory and practice, synergizing law, legal research, legal education and action to further the quest for justice.

Legal entrepreneurship is an inherently multi-disciplinary exercise that moves beyond the classical lawyers’ perceived boundaries. Legal entrepreneurship are thus best viewed as the
process of achieving a distinctive, sustainable position in the economic market by the deliberate and innovative exploitation of one or more legal flexibilities. Thus, an entrepreneurship cell is an important branch in any educational institution today.

The Legal Entrepreneurship & Incubation Cell seeks to perform the following roles:

Firstly, it shall act as a think tank to devise new ways to amalgamate legal education with entrepreneurial training. Secondly, it shall ensure that the ways devised by it are implemented effectively so as to produce the desired result. Thirdly, it shall ensure a smooth introduction of entrepreneurial education into the law school curriculum and make an appropriate strategy for the same. The strategy shall be revised from time to time. Fourthly, the cell shall fill the gap between planning and implementation of the entrepreneurial training of law students.


The New Education Policy 2020 is envisaging improving education to boost economy with a
multi-disciplinary holistic education system, applied learning and formative assessment. Keeping in view the Industrial Revolution 4.0 and new skill set requirement, the thrust is on
multidisciplinary education to strengthen the holistic academic needs of the new generation of students. University School of Law & Legal Studies, GGSIPU has been actively facilitating
discussion on topics of contemporary concern through its conferences, seminars, webinars etc. Continuing on the same path, a conference on ‘Law & Economics’ is planned to be held virtually on March 06, 2022 (Sunday). A deliberation on the junction of Law & Economics, as envisaged by this webinar, essentially seeks the economic analysis of laws. Academicians, policymakers, legal professionals, regulators, and aspiring students are cordially invited to analyze recent legal reforms and policies through the lens of economics and showcase their findings.

The objective of the webinar is to bring together various stakeholders of the subjects including both academia and practitioners at a platform to facilitate thorough discussion on the inter- disciplinary fields of law & economics. The webinar expects a diverse and holistic presentation covering a range of contemporary topics such as entrepreneurship, digital property rights, climate change regulation and so on.

The scholarly, conceptual, empirical, and practitioner papers that address the conference theme are welcomed. Kindly find the submission criteria and guidelines below.

Sub-themes for Submission

Any law or legal development may be scrutinized in depth from an economic point of view and presented in the webinar. The following sub-themes may be provided for guidance –

  • Fiscal Analysis of Tax Law Reforms
  • Law &Entrepreneurship
  • NFTs: Digital Property Rights
  • Contractual implication of Gig Economy and Freelancing
  • Economic Analysis of Climate Change Regulation
  • Evolving world of Commercial Dispute Resolution
  • Evaluation of Law and Economics in Pandemic Era
  • Economic Implication of IPR Law: Legalized Monopoly
  • Gender Dimensions of Law and Economics
  • Impact of IBC Regime on Economic landscape of India
  • Banking & Finance
  • Economics of Constitutionalism
  • Economic Dimensions of Election Laws
  • Economic Offences
  • Law & Economics of Crypto-currency and Big Data
  • Intersection of Economics and Competition Laws

The above themes are only indicative. We invite papers from other allied areas of Law and
Economics as well.

Guidelines for Submission

  • Interested scholars, academicians, students of law background and other disciplines are invited to attend and participate in the webinar.
  • Those who are interested in presenting their paper should send an abstract of not less than 400 words. The content should be in Times New Roman, font size 12 and line spacing of 1.5.
  • The abstract must be accompanied with details of Author and Co-Author, if any, (Name, Current Position, Name of Workplace, Contact detail) along with the title of the paper with four keywords.
  • Co-authorship is allowed up to two authors.
  • All submissions should be sent by filling this Google Form –
  • There is no registration Fees for attendance or paper presentation in the webinar.
  • For any queries, contact 8584932154 or email [email protected]

The acceptance of abstracts will depend on the relevance of the issues raised to the themes of the conference, and the originality of research after being screened by a panel of reviewers. All paper presenters will be invited and asked to send their full paper (not more than 6000 words) based on the above-mentioned sub-themes. The full papers must be accompanied by a declaration that it has less than 10 % plagiarism as per the UGC rules. ILI rule of footnoting style should be followed.

The selected authors at the Conference will be offered an opportunity to publish their paper in an edited book, subject to a careful selection following editorial and peer reviews. The edited book will be published under the aegis of GGSIP University with a publisher having national or international repute.

Important Dates of the Event

  • Date of the Webinar – 6th March, 2022
  • Last date for sending abstract for paper presentation – 16th February, 2022
  • Receiving email for acceptance of abstract – 18th February, 2022
  • Last date of sending their full paper – 3rd March, 2022.


The event will be held on a virtual video conferencing platform. The link for the meeting will be sent by email in due time.


E-certificates will be provided to all the author(s) who present their papers at the Conference.

It is compulsory to conform to all the guidelines specified herein to be eligible for the e- certificate.

Submit your Abstracts Here –

For any queries, message Ankit (8584932154) or email – [email protected]

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