Call for Papers | Indonesian Journal of Law and Society Volume 3 Issue 1 (March 2022): Submit by December 10!

About Indonesian Journal of Law and Society

The Indonesian Journal of Law and Society is the faculty-edited flagship journal of the Faculty of Law, University of Jember, Indonesia. It is a refereed journal, all published papers were under a double-blind peer review by academics and experts in the field. This journal is published twice a year, providing up-to-date academic analysis of current law and society issues in Indonesia and across the globe, with a particular emphasis on Asian and African perspectives. It features international scholarship with the scope in the intersection of law and society, which includes law relating to political science, criminology, history, sociology, human rights, gender studies, and political economy.

Please note that this journal only accepts submissions written in English. The Editorial Board cannot proceed with manuscript submissions written in other than English.

The Indonesian Journal of Law and Society is calling for new submissions for Volume 3 Issue 1 (March 2022).  Manuscripts submitted deal with contemporary discourses on the intersection of law and society in the light of theoretical, sociolegal, empirical, and comparative studies. The scope of the paper submissions includes law relating to political science, sociology, criminology, history, gender studies, and political economy.


The Indonesian Journal of Law and Society welcomes the contribution of manuscripts on contemporary discourses on law and society in the light of theoretical, multi-disciplinary, empirical, and comparative studies.

Manuscripts may comprise articles (7,000-12,000 words) and book reviews (1,500-2,500 words).


The scope of the paper submissions includes law relating to political science, sociology, criminology, history, gender studies, and political economy.


Dec 10, 2021


All submissions should be made online. CLICK HERE

Please upload source files such as .doc and .docx, and not .pdf files. Paper or email submissions are not accepted.

Due to a very high number of manuscripts submitted to this journal, we usually need at least three months before our decision on whether manuscripts are accepted or rejected for publication. However, all authors are advised to submit manuscripts earlier than three months from the regular date of publication as it is our standard by which all articles should pass rigorous reviews before publication. 

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