Call for Papers: 4th NLIU National Conference on Gender & Law, 2024: Submit Abstracts by 15th Feb.

About NLU, Bhopal

The National Law Institute University, Bhopal (NLIU) is a law school and centre for research located in Bhopal, India. Established in 1997 by the state of Madhya Pradesh, it is one of the first three law schools to have been established under the National Law School System.

About Gender Justice Cell, NLIU

Gender Justice Cell, NLIU was established in 2004 to promote gender equality and to sensitize and create awareness on gender-related issues. It promotes research based on the theme of Gender and Law through its Events & Blog. The Gender Justice Cell, NLIU seeks to conduct the 4th NLIU National Conference on Gender & Law on 06-07 April 2024. It deals with the themes related to contemporary legal issues with a focus on Gender Justice.

About the 4th NLIU National Conference on Gender & Law, 2024

This conference aims to further the idea of Gender Justice and to initiate discussions on the relevant and prominent topics about Gender and Law at the national level.

Date & Venue

The Conference will be organized on 6th-7th April 2024 at the J.S. Verma Convention Centre, National Law Institute University, Bhopal.


Students from undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral qualifications, academicians and scholars, practitioners, consultants, researchers, and policymakers from different backgrounds across the world are eligible to participate in the Conference.


  • Impact of New Criminal Laws on Gender Equality
  • Labour, Corporate Law and Gender
  • Media, Artificial Intelligence, Information Technology, and Gender Justice
  • Judiciary, Litigation, and Gender Justice
  • Good Governance, Policy Making, and Gender Equality
  • The sub-themes of the above 5 Major themes are given in the Brochure.

Formatting Guidelines

Papers can be submitted under the following categories:

  • Long Articles: Between 5000 and 8000 words. Papers in this category are expected to engage with the theme comprehensively and offer an innovative reassessment of the current understanding of that theme. For a long article, co-authorship of up to two authors is permitted.
  • Essays: Between 3000 and 5000 words. Essays are expected to be far more concise in scope. These papers are usually meant to deal with a very specific issue and argue that the issue must be conceptualized differently. They should be more engaging, and make a more easily identifiable, concrete argument. For Essays, co-authorship of up to two authors is permitted.
  • Case Notes and Legislative Comments: Between 1500 and 2500 words. These are analyses of any contemporary judicial pronouncement or a new piece of legislation/ rules/ consultation papers whether in India or elsewhere. The note must identify and examine the line of cases through which the decision in the question came about, and comment on implications for the evolution of that branch of law. In the case of legislative comment, the note must analyze the objective of the legislation and the legal impact the same is expected to have. Co-authorship is not permitted for this category.

Important Dates

  • Call for abstracts: 27 January 2024
  • Last Date for Abstract Submission: 15 February 2024
  • Abstract Selection: 20 February 2024
  • Last date for Submission of Manuscript: 10 March 2024
  • Final Selection for Presentation: 17 March 2024
  • Last Date for Registration and Payment: 27 March 2024
  • Conference: 06-07th April 2024

Registration Fee

Upon submission of the registration form, the participants can pay their registration fee by PayPal, Google pay or Debit/Credit Card. The registration fee is to be submitted only by authors whose final papers have been selected for presentation in the Conference. The amount of fee to be paid by each author are as follows:

  • For Academicians, Professionals, and Ph.D. Scholars (Indian): INR 2500 per author
  • For Students enrolled in undergraduate or post-graduate programmes (Indian): INR 1700 per author

Registration Procedure

After the final selection of the paper, the authors/ co-authors will be required to fulfil the registration process by filling out the registration form and paying the registration fees. The registration form will be emailed to the selected manuscripts’ authors and opened at their website.

Registration fee includes the expenses for food facilities, accommodation facilities, participation in the conference, publication of the contribution, conference attendance certificate, bag and accessories.


Upon submission of the registration form, the participants can pay their registration fee by PayPal, Google pay or Debit/Credit Card. The registration fee is to be submitted only by authors whose final papers have been selected for presentation in Conference. The amount of fee to be paid by each author are as follows:

  • For Academicians, Professionals and Ph.D. scholars (Indian): INR 2500 per author
  • For Students enrolled in undergraduate or post-graduate programmes (Indian): INR 1700 per author

Submission Guidelines

  • An abstract between 300 to 350 words, clearly summarising the arguments, should be submitted through the online Abstract Submission Form. The abstract must also include 3 to 5 keywords. The file should be titled as: “Abstract_(Topic)”.
  • The manuscript should be on A4-sized paper in MS Word, typewritten in British English using Times New Roman, font size 12, 1.5 line Spacing, justified and 1-inch margins on each side. Footnotes should be in font size 10 and with single-line spacing. All manuscript pages (including Tables and Figures) must be numbered. Submissions made only in the .doc format (word file) will be accepted. The manuscript or the abstract must not contain any personal details of the author. The Authors should conform to the OSCOLA (Oxford Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities) Citing and Reference Style.  

Click Here to Register!


  1. The Best Presenter will be given a Recognition Trophy and Certificate of Merit.
  2. The Second Best Presenter will be given a Recognition Trophy and Certificate of Merit.
  3. A Certificate of Merit will be given to the Next Best 5 Presenters of the Conference.

Contact Details

In case of any query, mail to [email protected] or contact coordinators:

  • Ms. Sakshi Sharma
    Ph. No.: +91 8461926245
  • Mr. Nitesh Shukla
    Ph. No.: +91 7905461782

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