Call for Blogs on FinTech Law & Policy by CSRIPR, NUSRL Ranchi: Submissions on Rolling Basis!

The Center for Study and Research in Intellectual Property Rights (CSRIPR) at National University of Study and Research in Law, Ranchi, extends an open invitation for rolling submissions throughout the year. They welcome contributions from the legal, technological, and academic communities, as well as all stakeholders interested in the field of Intellectual Property.

The Intellectual Property Discussion Blog aims to be a hub for discourse, enriched with insights and suggestions, to advance the domain of Intellectual Property. Your contributions will play a crucial role in shaping the discourse and progress in the realm of Intellectual Property.

About NUSRL, Ranchi

NUSRL Ranchi is committed to advancing legal education, emphasizing knowledge dissemination, capacity-building, and strengthening the legal system. It aims to provide student-centered legal education with a global perspective, preparing future legal professionals for diverse roles. NUSRL’s core principle is enhancing legal education for societal betterment. The university focuses on connecting globally, collaborating with international institutions, and facilitating student competitiveness on a national and international level.

About the Center

CSRIPR recognizes the significance of innovation and intellectual property in the modern world, spanning technology and creativity. Its mission is to foster effective research in Intellectual Property Law, emphasizing evolving areas like software protection, biotechnology, and more. CSRIPR engages with society through seminars, workshops, and competitions, creating a platform for diverse students. It supports IP holders, including Small and Medium Scale entrepreneurs and tribal communities, preserving indigenous knowledge while promoting awareness.


  • FinTech Law & Policy
  • Data Protection & AI

About the Blog

The blog serves as a hub for a diverse writing community, including students, research scholars, academicians, and practitioners, fostering robust debates and discussions in this field of FinTech Law and Policy. They eagerly invite blog posts that delve into modern issues in FinTech Law & Policy, with a strong preference for editorial commentary and candid perspectives. They encourage posts that provide critical analyses or explore themes with broader relevance. 

Submission Guidelines

  • To be considered for publication on the blog, a post should align with the blog’s focus, which is Standard Essential Patents. It’s crucial that the post is timely, relating to ongoing debates in the realms of Fintech, Data Protection Law or offers a unique perspective on these debates. Though, they do not prefer posts that merely summarize cases or discuss basic aspects of FinTech; authors are strongly encouraged to enrich the existing literature by presenting original viewpoints, ideas, and opinions in their post.
  • The submission must be the original work of the author, and it should not be simultaneously under review for publication by any other journal or blog. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited.
  • The submission should have a minimum length of 1100 words and should not exceed 1500 words, excluding endnotes.
  • Co-authorship of up to two authors is permitted.
  • All submissions should adhere to the following formatting requirements:
    • Font: Times New Roman
    • Font size: 12
    • Line spacing: 1.5 
  • Relevant sources within the article should be hyperlinked. In cases where no hyperlink is available for a source, it should be cited as an endnote. Endnotes should be in Times New Roman, size 10, and single-spaced.
  • Endnotes must strictly adhere to the Bluebook 20th Edition citation format. It is imperative that all pertinent sources are duly and comprehensively acknowledged in your citations.
  • Each submitted post will undergo a rigorous two-stage internal review process. Our editors retain complete discretion in approving or rejecting a post for publication. To ensure successful publication on the blog, authors may need to make language and grammar revisions, provide justifications for their legal positions or structure, and respond to feedback from reviewers.
  • Once an article is published on the CSRIPR Blog, it may only be re-posted with proper attribution to CSRIPR Blog. However, this is subject to the subsequent publications mentioning “this post was initially published on the Blog for Center for Study and Research in Intellectual Property Rights ( and notifying us of such subsequent publication via email ([email protected]). Furthermore, posts that originally debut on the Blog may also be cited and referenced in other works, but it is imperative to provide proper credit both to the author and to the Blog.
  • They accept submissions on a rolling basis, open to students, academicians, and professionals.
  • In the event of any dispute, the decision of the Center for Study and Research in Intellectual Property Rights shall be considered as the final and bindig
  • The submissions are to be made only through the google doc mentioned below.

Contact Details

If authors have any concerns about topic selection, they can reach out to us at [email protected] 

Click Here to Submit!


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