CALL FOR BLOGS | MAYA MAGAZINE OF O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat.


Maya is an initiative of the LGBTQI community of O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat. We aim to serve as a platform for queer visibility and engagement. We wish to generate awareness about gender and sexuality, and at the same time become aware of the uncharted territories of non-conformity. We are here to represent you, at the same time be represented by your voices, writings, art and photography. We hope to reflect upon the past, challenge the present and drive the future. We are into the stories of activism, the exhilaration of coming out, the struggle of closeted living, the complications of self-identity, or even the mundane experiences of ordinary life, and beyond.

Submissions guidelines

We welcome guest posts on queer content, however, we will consider a broad spectrum of submissions on related themes.

We accept anonymous submissions. We seek new and original writings (fiction, nonfiction), articles, poetry, book/film reviews, opinion pieces, campus reports, research studies, art, memes & photography.

We are welcoming submissions for our next issue.Kindly follow the guidelines mentioned below:We prefer submissions that do not exceed 1,500 words in length.

However, the Magazine is flexible on the word count depending on the quality of the submission.All submissions to the Magazine should be original and should not be simultaneously considered by any other publication.

Wherever resources are being referred to, appropriate links must be provided to those in the main text itself. If any citations are being used, we prefer endnotes in any uniform citation style.Authors must include their brief biographical information (in no more than two lines) in the submission. Anonymous submissions are also accepted, however, please indicate your pen name and affiliation (e.g. law student of Jindal Global Law School).

Submission process

Each submission will be reviewed by one or more editors of the Magazine, who retain their absolute discretion in determining whether to accept a submission and, if accepted, whether the submission requires revisions.

Please email them your submissions at [email protected] .

If you wish to submit anonymously, please upload your submissions on the dropbox link:

There can be multiple authors of a submission.

Please do write to us at [email protected] with any queries or concerns.


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