Webinar on Implications of Recent Developments in Corporate and International Taxation | August 05, 2021

About the Event

In the business, Taxation laws play a key role and each development impacts different facets of the business. In the recent past, Corporate & International Taxation laws underwent many such changes like enhancement in scope of Equalization Levy, newly notified thresholds by CBDT for Significant Economic Presence, changes in Dividend taxation regime, and other important changes particularly for strengthening start-up ecosystem. Such developments are usually followed by several incongruities in their interpretation while businesses strive for their appropriate implementation. Despite this, limited departmental clarifications and judicial guidance are available on such changes.
To share insights on these recent developments, NITYA Tax Associates in association with Asire Consulting LLP presents a webinar on ‘Implications of Recent Developments in Corporate & International Taxation’ on August 5, 2021, from 12 PM to 1 PM. This webinar will be led by Mr. RAHUL GARG, Managing Partner, Asire Consulting LLP. Our Managing Partner, Mr. Puneet Bansal will moderate the same. In this webinar, we will touch upon the following topics:

  • Scope of Equalization Levy 2.0 and its interplay with other provisions
  •  Newly introduced provisions relating to Significant Economic Presence
  •  New Dividend taxation regime
  •  Potential structures for Startups to enhance value creation  
  •  Live Q&A

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