3rd National Moot Court Competition | Noida International University | 28th to 30th July, 2022.

About the Organization

Noida International University (NIU) established in the year 2010, is a UGC recognized Private University sponsored by Maruti Educational Trust. NIU has been awarded by Achiever’s Award in Higher education by the Governor of Uttar Pradesh, Best upcoming Private University by ASSOCHAM education summit in the years 2015, 2016 and 2018. The University accommodates student from 23 Countries has structured its various Academic disciplines in eleven specially designed and skilfully empowered schools, namely Engineering &Science, Social Sciences, Nursing, Business Management, Architecture, Law, Liberal Arts, Fine Arts and Education.
The University is equipped with state of the art infrastructure, laboratories and qualified
professionals with a strong grip on field of their expertise. NIU is all set to mark its lead in the education scenario in India as well as abroad in the most exemplary manner.
To fulfill the holistic vision and to achieve academic excellence, NIU has collaborated with leading education and training Institutions across the Globe to facilitate a constant exchange, training and professional engagement of students and Faculty. Some of these are as follows:
• King’s University Canada focuses mainly on BBA and MBA Programmes
• New York Institute of Technology focuses mainly upon Engineering Programmes
• Hindu College (Delhi University) provides inputs for excellence in Research Programmes
• Education Innovation and Research collaboration with University of Tabuk, South Africa is under process.
Concrete and strategic plans are being drawn in a methodical way where students and scholars can join these Universities on a short term or periodic basis by way of Internships, mutual exchanges or empanelment to enhance their skills and expertise over a particular project/ theme or subject.
The School of Law and Legal Affairs has organized many successful Moot Court Competitions round the Years. In addition to strengthening us for sponsoring this inaugural series, our past moots marked a memorable success by equipping us with state of the art National and International level of Moot Court Infrastructure and also have empowered our students with competence to face regional, national and international Moot Court Competitions.

Rules for the Moot Court Competition

The rules will be titled as ‘Rules for the 3rdNIU National Moot Court Competition-2022’. In case of any discrepancy / doubt, decision made by Moot Court Committee shall be final. The Committee reserves all rights to prescribe / modify rules, procedure and overall layout of competition in such manner as will be proper to conduct competition in better and more efficient manner.

Article 1: Aim and Objectives

The Competition seeks to promote interest in the area of Law focusing specially over Socio Religious aspect and convergence of the same into General Law of the land.
To kindle, among Law students, interest in ever expanding fields of Constitution of India, this Moot Court Competition focuses upon the various religious discriminations which are supposed to be discarded in wider interest of general public.

Article 2: Definition Clause

The following terms shall have the corresponding meanings unless otherwise specified:

  1. “Applicant” means the side of the team which argues on behalf of the applicant at any given point of the competition.
  2. “Memorandum” means memorandum of the Laws and authorities concerning the competition problems.
  3. “Case clarification & Correction” (hereinafter referred to as clarifications) means the official clarifications and corrections as communicated officially to the competition.
  4. “Competition” means and includes sum total of activities arising out of or consequential upon the National Moot Court Competition, 2022.
  5. “Memorials” means the written submissions framed and submitted by a team in pursuant to the rules and admitted by Moot Court Committee.
  6. “Moot Court Committee” (to be read hereinafter as MCC) for the purpose of this Moot Court Competition means the Committee as constituted for proper organization and fair conduct of the competition including any other person authorized so to deal with all events, consequential upon or incidental to the competition.
  7. “Official Team Contact Person” means the individual identified by the team during registration process to acknowledge the receipt of official correspondence relating to competition.
  8. “Oral Pleading” means the pleading before a panel as explained under Evaluation criteria for evaluation of Written Submissions.
  9. “JuryPanel” means the adjudicators so appointed/ nominated by MCC for judging the
    performance of participants during oral pleading sessions of the Competition.
  10. “Participant” means person authorized by referring Institution and approved by Noida
    International University as eligible to participate in Competition including the Moot Court
  11. “Penalty” means the consequence of violation of any rule whether by way of deduction of point or declaring disqualified and such a person would be referred to as panelized.
  12. “Rebuttals” refer to the set of arguments / challenges that the applicant shall raise at the end of the main pleadings of all the orators. This shall be replied to in the appropriate manner by the respondent.
  13. “Team Code” means the code allotted to a team throw a draw of lots.
  14. “Team” means the total of all registered as participants representing any university or college allowed to participate in the competition excluding dummy /observer/ escort/ coach.
  15. “Moot Court Observer” means a person entitled to witness proceedings of moot sessions, inaugural and valedictory function and who is expected to use gained information/ knowledge only for his personal knowledge pursuits.


The organization of the competition will take place under overall supervision and control of the School of Law and Legal Affairs, Noida International University. For this purpose, The School of Law and Legal Affairs has constituted Moot Court Committee which has been authorized to conduct/ carry on all activities having a direct or indirect bearing upon fair conduct of the National Moot Court Competition 2022.


1) The competition is open to all students enrolled bona fide on a regular basis as full time learners in Undergraduate Law Program (3 Year/ 5 Year) or its equivalent Law degree conducted by any recognized Institution / College/ University operative in / outside India.
2) Eligibility for becoming a team member Any person may become a team member
i. If he / she is pursuing a Law Graduation Degree Course.
ii. If he/she has formally applied to compete on behalf of institution under which he/ she is enrolled as a full time regular student.
3) Each team shall comprise of three members. A team comprising of only two members, both of them to be designated as speakers, may be allowed by MCC if there exist any exceptional situation. Team comprising of three members, at least one member must be designated as Moot Researcher.
4) Any additional person accompanied with team / team Coach / Escort shall not formally be admitted except under any extra-ordinary situation provided that his presence was previously informed and duly approved by MCC. Each so approved person has to deposit Rs. 1500/- for accommodation and hospitality costs.


The 3rdNIUNATIONAL MOOT COURT COMPETITION, 2022 shall be held from 28th to 30th July, 2022 (Thursday, Friday and Saturday) at the “ACADEMIC BLOCK” of NOIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY, Greater Noida-203201, India.


1) Best Team Award: Rs-21,000/- in cash, Trophy and certificate.
2) Second Best Team Award: Rs- 11,000/- in cash, Trophy and certificate.
3) Best Mooter Award: Rs-8,000/- in cash, Trophy and certificate.
4) Best Researcher Award: Rs- 5,000/- in cash, Trophy and certificate.
Note:- In addition to Awards under above-mentioned categories, Certificates, as token of appreciation, shall be distributed to all members of participating teams and all the volunteers.

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