3 Month Consumer Protection Laws Course by School of Legal Studies, CUSAT: Register by 15th August 2024

About the School of Legal Studies, CUSAT:

One of the oldest law schools in India, the School of Legal Studies was established in the year 1962 as a part of Kerala University, offering post-graduate courses and research in law. The Law School joined the folds of the University of Cochin, in the year 1971, which was later reorganized and renamed as Cochin University of Science and Technology in 1986 for the promotion of graduate, post-graduate studies and advanced research in various fields. Over the decades, since its inception, the Law School has blossomed into one of the top institutions engaged in teaching and research of law in India. The best testimony to the success of this experiment is the presence of SLS alumni as professors and academicians in top law schools in India and as advocates at the various High Courts and the Supreme Court of India, apart from their active and successful positioning as Law Officers in reputed institutions like SEBI and nationalized banks. SLS has also entered into yet another era of producing skilled and versatile graduates working with corporate houses, consulting firms, Public Sector Undertakings, other Government bodies, and NGOs. Among the unique and innovative initiatives, the school has undertaken, the Summer School has its own standing as it deals with emerging areas that have practical relevance to persons from all walks of life. The School of Legal Studies is also one of the very few institutions in India where Competition Law and Consumer Law are taught as undergraduate law subjects and as specialized papers at the –post-graduate level.

About the Programme:

The consumer protection laws establish a legal framework through which one can claim remedy in cases of such defect in products or deficiency in services. This course is intended to provide an idea about the scope and application of consumer protection laws in India.

Who can apply?

This course is open to students, academicians, professionals and others.

Number of Seats

For CUSAT Students: 50

For Non-CUSAT Students: 175

Duration: 3 months

Mode: Online

Credits: 4

How to register:


Contact Details

For any queries, contact:

The Co-ordinator,

Dr. Aneesh V. Pillai, SLS, CUSAT,

Mob: 8606558242


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