Law Sikho’s 3-day bootcamp on building an international career in TECHNOLOGY LAW : 11th-13th Dec.21

  • Do you sometimes feel that the growth opportunity in traditional areas of law practice is limited? Do you want to specialise in areas which are going to be pandemic-resistant?
  • Do you sometimes feel a stagnation in your career and want to explore working in high-growth areas which will dominate the future?
  • Does technology law excite you? Do you fancy building your career as a lawyer by working with global technology giants, or fast-growing Silicon Valley and domestic technology startups?
  • Do you want to know how a lawyer can cater to the legal needs of organisations working in domains such as cryptocurrency, Artificial Intelligence, blockchain, e-commerce, or the Software as a Service (SaaS) industry?

Technology law is one of the most important emerging areas for big law firms, for boutique law firms and for independent practitioners who want to build a name for themselves, and the market will become sophisticated in the next 5 – 10 years.

Join for a 3-day bootcamp on Building an International Career in Technology Law from 11th-13th December 2021, 6-9 pm Indian Standard Time

Don’t be misled by these three myths:

Don’t let the following myths stop you

  • #1: Tech Law is the sum-total of the Information Technology Act, Rules, Notifications, Amendments and case laws – the scope for a lawyer appears to be very limited in the sector.
  • #2: You need a degree in science, or engineering, or background in computers to understand and excel in tech-law.
  • #3: Lawyers from India and developing countries in Asia and Africa can only work for clients in their local jurisdiction and cannot work for foreign startups in the Silicon Valley, Tel Aviv, Berlin or US law firms as they are not qualified to practice law in those jurisdictions.

Day wise focus


What are the opportunities in technology law for young lawyers and why this practice area is growing exponentially now



Step by step roadmap for you to secure various global opportunities in technology law – remote freelance work, in-house positions and law firm jobs.



How to reach out to startups in the Silicon Valley and elsewhere and help them with their legal needs


They have helped more than 1000 people secure internships, jobs, client opportunities and freelance work during the pandemic.
(March 2020- May 2021)

Who should attend:

Lawyers who are:

  • Interested in building a career in technology laws – you can work in the technology practice of Big Law Firms or in boutique law firms, or in tech companies.
  • Interested in working in in-house legal teams of Big Technology companies and fast growing tech startups in Silicon Valley, India, or elsewhere.
  • Looking to pursue international LLM soon.
  • Stuck in dead end jobs that pay less and make you work too much.
  • Not finding a job due to bad job market in the pandemic.
  • Dreaming of a legal career in the USA or UK.
  • Young lawyers looking to work in research roles or in policy teams of public and private sector organizations.
  • Litigators who want to cater to the legal needs of the technology industry.
  • Company secretaries and accountants who want to provide additional high-value services to their clients around technology laws

Some of the topics that we will discuss

  • What is technology law work all about? How is the growth in the technology industry creating more opportunities for lawyers?
  • What are the specific industries that have a huge demand for tech lawyers and how to work for/ with such industries?
  • What are the top technology law firms and what kind of work do they perform?
  • What kind of work do lawyers do in big tech companies like Google, Amazon, Facebook, etc.?
  • How much do tech lawyers earn in the USA? Is it possible for Indian lawyers to land these jobs?
  • Is tech law a good choice for lawyers who want an international career?
  • How lawyers can build a tech law practice step-by-step in a very short period of time?
  • How to get a job as an in-house counsel in a tech company?
  • How to be recruited by top notch global law firms as a tech lawyer?
  • How to diversify into technology law work if your practice is in traditional areas?
  • How to get, retain and handle high profile clients with tech-legal needs?
  • How much can you earn as a tech lawyer in law firms, in-house roles and by performing freelance remote paralegal work
  • What are the most in-demand tech-law skills that you should learn to shine as a tech lawyer?
  • What are the most important tech contracts that you should learn to draft?
  • How Emerging Technology regulation is creating unprecedented opportunities for lawyers?
  • Is technology law relevant for IP lawyers? What do they need to learn about it?
  • What opportunities do litigators have in the area of technology law?
  • How can law students prepare for opportunities in technology law?

What are you waiting for,


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