2 Days International Virtual Conference and Call for Papers on ‘Religion and Law in Transnational Diaspora’ by Vidhi Vaarta: Register Now!

Dear Researchers,

We are pleased to invite you to contribute a research paper as original/unpublished papers for two international virtual conference titled “RELIGION AND LAW IN TRANSNATIONAL DIASPORA to be published by DJMR in its special issue on Law and Religion.

About Vidhi Vaarta

Vidhi Vaarta is a forum, was founded with the aim to spread awareness and knowledge through seminars, conferences, etc. regarding legal rights, duties, government schemes, etc. This organization was constituted by Dr. Soumi Chatterjee (Founder/Director), Mr. Mohammad Raashid Ali (Co-Founder), Mr. Mohammad Taasir Ali (Co-Founder) and Mr. Divyanshu Nautiyal (Co-Founder).

Concept Note

Religious transnational diaspora refers to the migration of religious communities across borders, resulting in the formation of global networks that maintain strong ties to their homeland while adapting to new environments. This phenomenon occurs when individuals or groups move from their place of origin, often due to political, economic, or social pressures, while continuing to practice their faith and preserve cultural traditions. These diasporic communities play a crucial role in reshaping religious identities, as they blend local customs with global religious practices. Additionally, they create transnational networks that facilitate the exchange of religious ideas, resources, and support systems across countries. Religious diasporas can also influence social and political structures in their host countries by advocating for religious rights and contributing to multicultural dialogues. While maintaining their unique spiritual practices, such communities often foster greater global understanding, helping to bridge cultural and religious divides across nations.

Sub Themes

  1. Religion, Law and Judicial Intervention,
  2. Judicial Activism into Transnational Religious Diaspora,
  3. Role of International Humanitarian Law influencing Religious Practices,
  4. Religion and Gender Studies,
  5. Religion and Family Law,
  6. Religion and Human Rights,
  7. Concept of Religion and State,
  8. Capital Punishment in Religious Crimes,
  9. Marriage Law and Religion,
  10. Criminology and Religion – Co-relation,
  11. Superstitions Versus Legal System in India,
  12. Socio-Legal Dimension on Religion and Law in the Context of Policing,
  13. Religious Communities and Protection of Individuals,
  14. Transnational and Regional Effects on Religious Communities.

Note: The author can choose any other appropriate theme that is in resonance with the main theme.

Who can participate?

Academicians, legal practitioners, research scholars and students. 

Submission Guidelines

  • Contributions should be between 6000-8000 words. The word limit mentioned is exclusive of footnotes.
  • All the manuscripts must consist of an Abstract of not more than 200-250 words along with 3-4 keywords. The abstract will be included in the word limit.
  • A manuscript can be co-authored by a maximum of two people.

Format and Citation Guidelines

  • Font Type and Size of the main text must be Times New Roman, 12.
  • Font Type and Size of footnotes must be Times New Roman, 10.
  • Font Type and Size of headings must be Times New Roman, 14.
  • Line Spacing of the main text and footnotes must be 1.5, Single respectively.
  • Use of headings and Sub-Headings is encouraged. Headings and Sub-Headings should be numbered, and should be in bold.
  • Citations must be in HARVARD BLUEBOOK 20TH EDITION (CLICK HERE for the Link!).


  • Authors are requested to mail their original, unpublished manuscripts in .doc/.docx format.
  • The name of the file must contain the Name of the Author(s) along with the Title of the Manuscripts. The manuscripts must be accompanied by a covering letter bearing the following information:
    • Full Name of the Author(s)
    • Position/Year of Study
    • Institutional Affiliations (if any)
    • Contact Details of the Author(s)
  • Authors are required to submit their manuscripts through the email given below:
    [email protected] 

Publication Policy

  • The manuscripts should be the original work of the authors and must not be published elsewhere. Manuscripts with plagiarized content (not more than 10%) and copyright issues will be rejected outrightly.
  • After initial screening, short-listed manuscripts will go through a double-blind peer-review process and the final selection will be based on that procedure.


  • Top 15 Papers will be published by DJMR in its special issue on Law and Religion.
  • Hard copy of the special issue will be posted only on Author’s demand. Authors will have to pay charges for hard copy.

Registration Fee

  • Participation Registration: INR 499/-
  • Student Paper Presentation:
    • For Single Author: INR 1000/-
    • For Co-Author: INR 1500/-
  • Academicians/ Professionals/ Research Scholars/ Others:
    • For Single Author: INR 1500
    • For Co-Author: INR 1800/-
  • International Student Paper Presentation:
    • For Single Author: USD 20/-
    • For Co-Author: USD 25/-
  • International Academicians/ Professionals/ Research Scholars/ Others:
    • For Single Author: USD 25/-
    • For Co-Author: USD 28/-

Link only for Registration



  • Best 15 Papers will be published in Special Issue in DJMR.
  • Best Paper Presentation: INR 8,000/-
  • 2nd Best Paper Presentation: INR 6,000/-
  • Internship Opportunity:
    • 1st Winner- Retired High Court Judge
    • 2nd Winner- Reputed Law Firm in New Delhi
    • 3rd – 5th Runner up- Corporate Advocate in Noida
    • 6th & 7th Runner up- Virtual Internship
  • Trophies to 1st & 2nd Winner.
  • Separate Certificate for Winners
  • E-Certificate for all Participants

Account Details

Account Number: 1768104000044864

IFSC Coode: IBKL0001768

Bank Name: IDBI Bank

Account Holder Name: Mohammad Raashid Ali


UPI Id: mohammadraashidali-1@okaxis

Important Details

  • The date for International Virtual Conference is 26th & 27th April 2025.
  • The last date of abstract submission is 28th February 2025.
  • The last date for paper submission is 10th April 2025.

Note: The acceptance of the abstract shall be notified through the email by 10th March 2025.

Contact Details

In case of any query, kindly contact:

Mail: [email protected]


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