The Thirteenth NLUJ Antitrust Law Moot Court Competition, 2022 | National Law University, Jodhpur | Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas

We are pleased to announce that the Thirteenth NLU Antitrust Law Moot Court Competition, 2022 will be held online from March 11-13, 2022. The Competition has grown significantly over the last twelve years, becoming one of the nation’s premier moot court competitions, and the biggest Competition Law moot court competition in India. The association with Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas. and the Competition Commission of India ensures that the Competition has an exemplary proposition and commendable judging.

The Associated Partners

Since the advent of the Competition Act in 2002, Competition Law has proved to be an important and emerging branch of law. Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas a leading law firm of the country with a very strong competition law practice, has associated itself with the event this time and we are certain that the Competition would greatly benefit
from its patronage and expertise. We are also privileged to be associated with the Competition Commission of India, which continues to repose confidence and faith in the Competition and the University. SCC Online®, a leading provider of online research services, designed specifically for professionals in law, along with Eastern Book Company, a prominent publication house publishing a wide range of legal commentaries, student texts, law reports, and digests, has also associated with the Competition as knowledge and research partners.


We invite your esteemed institution to participate in the Competition by registering a team consisting of at least two and not more than three members. A maximum of forty teams will be hosted this time. The selection would be made on a first come first serve basis. National Law University, Jodhpur would be glad to host your representatives as our guests during the course of the Competition. The Proposition and the Official Rules of the Competition have been sent along with the invitation. The same would also be available on the Competition web page.
We would appreciate an e-mail confirmation of your institution’s participation in the Competition at the earliest. Provisional registration (in case the team composition has not been determined), if not done yet, may be done by sending an e-mail confirming participation. Kindly direct all correspondence related to the Competition to [email protected]. The registration form along with the registration fee shall be sent subsequently.


Awards Prize Money
Winning Team Rs. 45,000
Runners-up Team Rs. 30,000
Best Memoranda Rs. 8,000
Best Student Advocate Rs. 7,000
Second Best Student Advocate Rs. 5,000
Best Student Advocate of the Finals Rs. 5,000

Competition Schedule

January 15, 2022 Commencement of Registration and Release of the Proposition
January 23, 2022, Last Date for seeking Clarifications to the Proposition
January 31, 2022 Release of Clarifications to the Proposition
February 02, 2022, Last Date of Registration for the Competition
March 05, 2022, Last Date for Submission of Electronic Copy of the Memorials
March 11-13, 2022 Thirteenth NLU Antitrust Law Moot Court Competition, 2022

Important Links

Official Rules


Registration Form

Fee Link

Also Read

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