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Case Analysis

Case Analysis of Occidental Exploration and Production Company v. The Republic of Ecuador

Introduction “Occidental Exploration and Production Company v. The Republic of Ecuador” is a 2002 Investor-State case decided by the “London Court of International Arbitration” (LCIA)...

Why we should wear mask while driving alone?

Introduction Since the inception of the Covid-19 pandemic in India, thousands of crores have been collected from the offenders of Covid-19 protocols. Violation of the...

Case Brief: Sekar Vs. Arumugham

COURT: HIGH COURT OF MADRAS JUDGE: A. RAMA MURTHI,J DECIDED ON: 10th August,1999 CITATION- 2000 CriLJ 1552 Facts of the Case Petitioner Sekar had availed a loan of Rs. 4 Lakh during...

Right to Equality: Analyzing the case of Siddaraju vs. State of Karnataka

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA JUDGE: Rohinton Fali Nariman, Aniruddha Bose, V. Ramasubramanian,J DECIDED ON: 14 January 2020  CIVIL APPEAL NUMBER: 1567 of 2017 Introduction For the protection of the...

Case Brief: Mizaji And Ors. Vs. The State of U.P

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA DECIDED ON: 18 December 1958. APPELLANT: Mizaji And Ors.vs.RESPONDENT: State of Uttar Pradesh Facts of the case The incident which gave rise to this case took...

Case Brief: Asgarali Pradhania Vs. Emperor

COURT: HIGH COURT OF CALCUTTA APPELLANTS: Asgarali Pradhania v. RESPONDENT: Emperor JUDGES: JOHN LORT WILLIAMS AND G.D. Mc NAIR DECIDED ON: 21 JULY 1933 CITATION: AIR 1933 CAL.893 Facts of the Case The complainant who...

Case Brief: Justice K.S. Puttaswamy (Retd.) Vs. Union of India

 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA  DECIDED ON: 26 September, 2018  CITATION: Writ Petition (Civil) No. 494 of 2012, (2017) 10 SCC 1 Composition of the Bench The Supreme...

Case Brief: Shreya Singhal Vs. Union of India

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA Decided on: 25.07.1989  Citation: AIR 2015 SC 1523 Bench: Justice Chelameswar and Rohinton Fali Nariman, JJ. Facts of the Case In November 2012,...

Case Brief: State of M.P. Vs. Narayan Singh And Ors.

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA Decided on: 25.07.1989  APPELLANT: STATE OF MADHYA PRADESH   v. RESPONDENT: NARAYAN SINGH AND ORS. Facts of the Case The case involves Export of...

Case Brief: Abhayanand Mishra Vs. The State of Bihar

 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA  JUDGES: H.K. Choudhuri, J. DECIDED ON: 21.04.1961 Facts of the Case The case involves a matter relating to cheating according to Section 420...


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