Online Certificate Course on Business and Commercial Laws | NUJS Kolkata | Register by Sep 10

About the WBNUJS

The West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences (WBNUJS) is a premier public law school in India, also known as Columbia of East, and is a National Law University located in Bidhannagar, Kolkata, West Bengal, India.

The West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences was established under the WBNUJS Act, 1999 (West Bengal Act IX of 1999) adopted by the West Bengal Legislature in July, 1999. The University was notified under Clause (f) of Section 2 of the UGC Act, 1956 in August 2004 and has been granted permanent affiliation by the Bar Council of India in July 2005.

Initially, classes, which started in 2000, were held at Aranya Bhavan, where the Environment Ministry of the Government of West Bengal is located, and the first batches of students started living in government flats. On 28 October 2002, the university’s present-day permanent campus was inaugurated by the then Chief Justice of India, B. N. Kirpal.

About the Course

The West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences (WBNUJS) is announcing a 3 months certificate course on Business and Commercial Laws.

The Centre for Financial and Regulatory Governance Studies, WBNUJS is inviting enrolments for the 3-Month Online Certificate Course on Business and Commercial Laws.


3 months beginning September 15, 2022


Any practising lawyer, company secretary, chartered accountant or other related professional, graduate, or student in the final year of their undergraduate programme may apply for the course.



  • INR 10,000/- 
  • Students from underprivileged backgrounds requiring financial assistance may apply for a reduction in fees payable and the applications would be scrutinized and may be entertained on a case-to-case basis.
  • Account Name: WBNUJS CFRGS A/C; Account Number: 520101247037466; Type of Account: SAVINGS; IFSC Code: UBIN0906638; Bank Name: UNION BANK OF INDIA; Branch Code: 06632.


September 10, 2022


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