National Corporate Law Conference SENATUS | December 17th and 18th, 2021 | SVKM’s NMIMS School of Law, Navi Mumbai

About SVKM’s NMIMS School of Law, Navi Mumbai

Established in the year 2018, SVKM’s NMIMS School of Law, Navi Mumbai offers two courses, BA-LL.B (Hons.) and BBA-LL.B (Hons.), in order to provide the legal industry with young lawyers in the field of corporate law as well as in the judiciary and other likewise law professions. The aim is to focus on filling the need to keep the legal industry on its toes. The courses are designed in such a way that apart from imbibing knowledge of the law, the institution also prepares the students for the real world by honing one’s skill of presenting arguments with respect to the society, to interpret the pre-defined laws in the most efficient way with political and historical touch in it, and to be flexible and adaptive to the corporate environment. Students are engaged in internships and various para-academic activities. The School also offers all possible opportunities for international exposure and global experience and also teaches selective foreign languages to make communication easy. This allows the students to gain knowledge of the law and form their own perspectives in the field.

About the Conference

The National Corporate Law Conference (NCLC) is a global initiative to bring together the best research in M&A, Corporate governance, Venture Capital, and Corporate Securities relating to Corporate Law at a yearly conference to be held at SVKM’s NMIMS School of Law, Navi Mumbai.
The aim of the conference is to attract current research papers of the highest scholarly quality in the field of corporate law. The conferences are primarily ‘academic-to-academic’ events with some participants from industry and the public sector and other invited panelists.
Paper Selection Procedure: Selections will be made by a Conference Committee from papers that are submitted online before 30th November 2021 (at midnight IST) through the form contained below. Researchers will be notified whether their paper
has been accepted for the presentation at the conference before 12th December 2021.
Organization: The conference will take place over two days. In addition to the research presentations, there will be two-panel discussions involving participants from industry and the public sector.

Please submit papers by clicking here-

Theme and Sub-Themes

Theme – Evolving Principles of Corporate Law: Lessons to Learn, Unlearn & Relearn

  • Key Challenges in Indian M&A and Exits
  • AIF, FPI, and FDI – The Smart Acquisition Structures in M&A.
  • Procedure and Protection of Intellectual Property in M&A
  • Due Diligence in Closing and Post-Closing Management,
  • SPAC as a Method of Overseas Listing
  • M&A Transactions and Tax Issues
  • Regulatory Challenges in M&A w.r.t CCI, RBI and SEBI
  • Financial Crisis through Corporate Law Governance
  • Accountability Mechanism in MNCs – The Mediating Role of Corporate Law
  • Private Equity Investments in Indian Companies
  • Regulatory Aspects of ESOP – Indian Overview
  • Decriminalisation of Offences under Companies and LLP Act – Need of the hour?
  • The Regime of Foreign Direct Investment – Boon or Bane?
  • The Futuristic Opportunities of Corporate Law
  • Extra-territorial Application of India’s Securities Law – Has SEBI cast its net too wide?

Please note that the list of sub-themes is merely suggestive and non-exhaustive in nature. The authors can choose to submit manuscripts on other relevant and contemporary topics.


The Conference invites academicians, practitioners, students of law pursuing their LL.B (Hons.)/LL.B/LL.M from any recognized university to submit their entries.

Important Dates

The deadline for the submissions is 30thNovember, 2021.
Date of Conference – 17th & 18th December, 2021


Best Paper Award – Rs. 3000/-
Selected papers will be published as an e-book on the website of NMIMS School of Law, Navi Mumbai.

Registration Fees

Single Author – Rs. 400/-
Co-Author – Rs. 650/-

Submission Guidelines

Please note that the submissions must conform to the following requirements:

  • Co-authorship permitted up to 2 authors
  • All submissions to be made as MS Word Files (.doc/.docx)
  • Word Limit – A minimum of 3000 words and a maximum of 5000 words including an abstract of 200-250 words with 5 keywords. Word Limit is exclusive of footnotes. The abstract may highlight the central theme/issue discussed, the main arguments put forth, and the conclusion of the article.
  • Citation Style: Harvard Bluebook 20th Edition
  • Font Formatting Heading 1: Times New Roman, Size 16, Bold, 1.5 line spacing, justified alignment. Heading 2: Times New Roman, Size 14, Underlined, 1.5 line spacing, justified alignment, 1.27 cm left indent. Heading 3: Times New Roman, Size 12, Italics, 1.5 line spacing, justified alignment, 2.54 cm left indent. Body: Times New Roman, Size 12, 1.5 line spacing, justified alignment. Footnotes: Times New Roman, Size 10, 1.0 line spacing, justified alignment
  • Permissible plagiarism up to 20 percent.
  • Quotations should be clearly indicated and accurate, indicated by using double inverted commas only. When using a separate paragraph for a quotation, the same must be indented and italicised.
  • Bibliography/IOA not required. Please ensure footnotes are exhaustive. We encourage speaking/explanatory footnotes to further elucidate your ideas. Endnotes are discouraged
  • Please ensure there are no identity markers in the document like name of author/s, name of institution, etc.
  • Please name the document as “First Author’s Full Name_First Author’s
  • Institution Name in Short”. For example: Niharika Ravi_NMIMS.
  • No cover page necessary. The first page must contain the title of the paper (Times New Roman, Size 12, Bold, Centre Aligned) followed immediately by the Abstract.
  • Submission is equivalent to the presumption that the article in question is not published, submitted, or accepted for publication on any other platform.

Editorial Policy

  • Manuscripts shall be assessed through a two-stage Blind Review Procedure. Reviewers shall not be informed of the author’s name, university, year in college, or any other personal information.
  • In the first stage of the review, the board shall undertake a preliminary review of the manuscript to determine its relevance and contemporariness. At this stage, the manuscript shall also be assessed by the Copy Editors for plagiarism, grammar and formatting.
  • In the second stage of the review, the manuscripts shortlisted in the first stage are assessed by the Associate Editors based on 8 factors: quality of content, originality, relevance, contemporariness, structure, coherence & clarity, language, footnotes & references. After this stage, the manuscript may be sent back to the author(s) with suggestions and recommendations for the author(s) to incorporate/consider. It is expected that the authors will cooperate with the editorial board to incorporate the said suggestions and recommendations.
  • Authors shall be notified of the manuscript acceptance only after the completion of second stage. Acceptance of the manuscripts is conditional i.e.; the acceptance depends upon the satisfaction of the editorial board with the incorporation/ consideration of the suggestions and recommendations provided.
  • The editorial board reserves the right to reject the manuscript till the final acceptance has been communicated to the authors.
  • The Conference will only publish original and unpublished material. Manuscripts must therefore not, at any time during the period of consideration by the Conference, be considered for publication in any other place, nor be published beforehand.
  • The author must inform the Journal if he/she has submitted the manuscript to other platforms prior to its acceptance for publication in the Journal. The author must withdraw his/her submission accordingly.
  • NCLC is committed to open access for academic work. All the articles published in the NCLC are freely accessible immediately from the date of publication.


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