JDCIL-Esya Article Writing Competition


JDCIL is an interdisciplinary, student-edited, legal review blog, that aims to trace developments in the fields of Competition Law, Technology Law, and Intellectual Property Rights, these being some of the most rapidly developing, contemporary legal fields. The ESYA Centre is a technology policy think tank that specializes in a wide spectrum of research areas which include, IPR, and Competition, through which it aims to generate empirical research, which helps reimagine public policy discourse in India.

In this spirit, JDCIL, in collaboration with ESYA, is organizing an Article Writing Competition, with an aim to encourage academic research on the intersections of Competition, IP, and Technology laws. Submissions outside of these themes would be rejected. We are particularly looking for articles exploring ideas on how Technology and IP laws should be molded to foster inclusive innovations. Submissions on Competition and IP laws are also encouraged to consider issues that intersect with privacy in online markets. To promote accessibility of writing, there shall be no registration fees for this competition.


Any piece exploring the intersection of IP, Competition, and Technology Laws. The article may focus on the intersection of any two of the above-mentioned disciplines.
We encourage submissions that explore how Technology and IP Laws should be molded to foster inclusive innovation. For example – Fin-tech and building the gender gap.
It is recommended that pieces on Competition Law and IP Law be seen through the lens of individual or group privacy in online markets. For example – data aggregation in merger control, or decisions by app store owners or web browsers to introduce privacy-related features.
It must be noted that the examples provided above are only indicative in nature and the Author is at the liberty to write on any issue that is relevant to the suggested themes. However, the article will be outrightly rejected if it does not fall within the proposed topics.

Submission Guidelines

Submissions are to be made by clicking on this link

· Submissions must be made in a Microsoft Word doc format, written in English, and must be clear and concise.

· Submissions may be in the form of an article, a book review, a case review, and a summary.

· Regardless of the form of submission, the entry should not exceed 1800 words.

· We would prefer to spotlight ideas or works which are solution-oriented in nature or can highlight regulatory or policy blind spots of systemic importance. Therefore, submissions must at least attempt to come up with solutions or recommendations relevant for India and other similarly placed countries.

· A book review, note, or case review must be on a topic or issue that has contemporary relevance in relation to the subject matter(s) of the Article Writing Competition.

By virtue of their submission, the authors confirm that their work is original and that it has not been copied or plagiarized from other works. The author must disclose any actual or potential conflicts of interest with regard to the subject matter of their contribution. 

Formatting Guidelines

· Font size 12-point, single-spaced.

· Wherever statutes, case laws, academic works, or any other sources are being used, in-text hyperlinks must be provided. Citations must be endnotes, not footnotes. The citation must be in a common and consistent style.

· Title can consist of no more than 12 words.

· Co-authorship is permitted to a maximum of two people.

· All submissions must contain at least five relevant keywords, to be listed separately at the end of the submission document.

Cash Prize and Cerificate

The top three entries will be awarded a certificate of merit along with a cash prize.

· Winning entry – Rs. 15,000/-
· Second place – Rs. 9,000/-
· Third place – 6,000/-

For details please check official website


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