IDIA Hyderabad Chapter: Essay Writing Competition, 2021

About IDIA

IDIA helps students from underprivileged and marginalized communities to secure admission to the leading law colleges in India. The aim is to create lawyers from within these communities. Since law is an instrument of power, access to premier legal education empowers these communities in the long run and helps them help
The IDIA movement has now spread to at least 18 different states and union territories. Local teams have visited a large number of schools across India, from the Sunder bans in West Bengal and Pelling in the North East to Jitholi in Uttar Pradesh and Srinagar in the North to Tumkur in the South. The modus operandi for selection and training is thus: A simple aptitude test (involving mostly logical reasoning questions) is administered to check the students’ aptitude for the study of law.
In addition, the IDIA has been pushing relentlessly for reforming the CLAT. These concerted efforts have resulted in the CLAT Committee agreeing to various affirmative
measures—for instance, removing the section on static general knowledge, and legal knowledge completely from the paper. The rationale is to test the aptitude of the students, rather than the knowledge.

The Competition and Eligibility

The Hyderabad Chapter of IDIA is hosting an essay writing competition with multiple themes, and the competition is open to all law students, academicians, and legal practitioners. Co-authorship up to two authors is allowed. The entries selected from the competition will be published on the following blogs:

  • Law and Other Things (LAOT)
  • NALSAR Legal Practice Hub
  • The language Rights Blog
  • NALSAR Student Law Review (collaboration with IDIA)

All the entries are to be emailed at [email protected] with “IDIA Essay Writing Competition ” as the subject. The submission must be made in .doc or .docx format.

Last Date for Registration: 31st December, 2021
Last Date for Submission: 31st December, 2021

Note: The submission for IDIA’ s collaboration with NSLR will not be published in the journal but on their blog under the collaboration.


Prizes for entries selected under each Blog and NSLR’s collaboration with IDIA are as follows:

  • Winner: Rs. 2500
  • First Runner Up: Rs. 1500
  • Second Runner Up: Rs. 1000

Top two first prize winners out of 4 first prize winners will get an internship opportunity with Majmudar and Partners. Lastly, all the winners will get a one hour session by Rohan Bilimoria on Leadership Skills.

Law and Other Things

Law and Other Things (LAOT) was founded in 2005 by a few enthusiastic, young legal scholars, to share posts and articles about India’s constitutional & legal developments. Since 2017, the Blog has been managed by the student team of NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad, under the aegis of our Senior Editorial Board. LAOT publishes analytical or explainer pieces in the field of public law, with keen attention on mentoring law students throughout the editorial process.

Theme for Law and Other Things

  1. Approaching the issue of representation in Supreme Court – roadblocks and solutions
  2. Cast of Votes: Need for a caste census?
  3. Constitutionality of the method of execution followed in India

Submission Guidelines for Law and Other Things can be found here.

NALSAR Legal Practice Hub

The NALSAR Legal Practice Hub is an initiative of the Nyaya Forum for Courtroom Lawyering at NALSAR University of Law. This blog seeks to bridge the gap between theory and practice and seeks to cover the knowledge, skills and qualities required and/or expected of a stellar litigator.

Themes for NLPH

  1. The Epidemic of unwarranted PILs In courts and judicial restraint with regard to them.
  2. The issue of adjournments delaying court proceedings and solutions to the adjournment: A
    critical analysis of the phenomenon
  3. Are Tribunal appointments heading towards the 3 judges transfer cases route? Examining the issue of filling tribunals in light of the recent SC decision relating to tribunal appointments and the government’ s re-enactment of the law.

Submission Guidelines for NLPH can be found here.

The Language Rights Blog

Language privilege determines the accommodation of a linguistic minority in terms of access to social, political and educational institutions. It is essential thereby that the right to use one’s language in private as well as public spheres is protected. The Language Rights Blog aims to highlight the prejudice experienced by the linguistically marginalised and engage with a multidisciplinary approach to language and language

Theme for the Language Rights Blog

  1. A multilingual perspective to Primary Education in India
  2. Linguistic Minorities in Higher Education in India
  3. Obstacles to gender equality vis-à-vis language rights

Submission Guidelines for Language Rights Blog can be found here.

NSLR: NALSAR Students Law Review

NSLR is an annual, double-blind, student-edited, peer-reviewed law review that is the flagship publication of NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad, India.

Themes for NSLR

1 . Accessing the inaccessible : legal argument for making government materials accessible to persons with disabilities
2 . Laborincrisis: impact of Internet and Big data based economies on labor laws
3 . Assessing the viability of regulatory sandboxes in Fintech: Road blocks and
Implementation .

Note: The submission for IDIA’ s collaboration with NSLR will not be published in the journal but on their blog under the collaboration.

Guidelines for Submission to the NSLR-IDIA

  • The submission must be no longer than 4000 words with the minimum range of 3000 words.
  • The citations must comply with the Bluebook 20th edition.
  • The submission must necessarily include the abstract of no longer than 200 words, alongside the requisite keywords.
  • The font to be used for the submission must be Times New Roman, size 12, with 1.5 line spacing, whereas for the citations, font to be used must be Times New Roman, size 10, with 1 line spacing.

Registration and Payment Details

To Register- Click Here

Registration Fees:

Rs. 80 for Single Author

Rs. 100 for Co-Authors.

Account Holder: Yash Jitendra Dodani
Account Number: 50100428479112
IFSC: HDFC0000963
Branch: Gondia
Account Type: Savings
Google Pay Number: 9834544709
UPI ID: yashdodani04-1@okhdfcbank

For any information or query, please direct the same to [email protected].
Alternatively you can contact Yash Dodani on +919834544709 or mail him at [email protected]


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