Currently, they are open to submissions for a wide array of genres, including but not limited to articles (academic, nonfiction, and fiction), commentaries, book/film reviews, interviews, case studies, essays (including opinions, translations, and photo essays).

They are looking for contributions that address the critical intersection of law, technology, and lived realities — particularly focused upon perspectives and narratives from marginalized contexts and the Global South.

How has privacy changed within emerging legal paradigms of surveillance and data accumulation? How have social media and technology contributed to modern reimaginations and theatres of law? From activism to legal education, to business and human rights discourses, how has technology-enabled (or disabled) the law, in the 21st century?By exploring these questions, they hope to not only track developments in topics of disruptive technologies, legislative reforms, and legal thinking, but also archive the experiences of law — as thought, as text, as practice.

The last date for sending submissions is 1st November 2021.

For submission guidelines and more details click here.


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