Call for Papers|British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL) and the International Law Section of the Society of Legal Scholars


The British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL) and the International Law Section of the Society of Legal Scholars will convene a hybrid workshop on 29 November 2021

on the general duty of States to cooperate, which touches upon related rules such as the legal equality of States, due diligence, good faith, and transboundary harm. Substantive areas for examination of these general rules might include environmental law, cultural heritage, human rights, migration, or public health.


The overarching theme of the workshop will be to evaluate the authority and specificity of the duty to cooperate and its related rules in light of the past twenty years of State practice. 

Papers are invited to focus upon the identification of State practice that is new to scholarship and the clarification of legal problems that have remained outstanding for a considerable time. For example, whether transboundary harm applies only to reparation or is a substantive rule independent of any other; if so, can the precise contours of such a substantive rule be identified from recent practice. 

As an initial guide, authors are invited to consult the International Law Commission Conclusions on Identification of Customary International Law 2018 and the ongoing project of the International Law Commission on General Principles of Law.

Submission Process

Abstracts of no more than 300 words must be submitted by 24 September 2021, 1700hrs BST to: [email protected] . The abstracts should be clearly connected to the workshop themes and provide the title of the proposed paper as well as the ideas, arguments or analyses to be presented. Abstracts from early career researchers and academics from the Global South are particularly encouraged to promote an exchange of diverse contributions.

If selected, extended abstracts of no more than 1000 words must be submitted by 19 November 2021 or in circulation amongst the organizers and selected speakers prior to the workshop. The extended versions of the selected abstracts may be published with the authors’ consent on the BIICL blog.

The best papers presented at the workshop will be selected for development into articles to be published, following completion of the usual peer-review process, as a thematic collection in a special issue of the Journal of International Dispute Settlement in 2022. Full draft articles will be due by 18 February 2022.

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